Tag Archives: COVID

Link Between COVID & Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Could This End Up Being The Ultimate “Darwin Award”?

by Anura Guruge
on July 8, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

YouTube video.

When I happen to see it on a news feed a couple of days ago I thought it was a joke — a naughty prank. But, I made a note to check it out. I did, & boy, am I glad I did.

Wow. They are CLAIMING that there appears to be a link. They are also quoting that men who get COVID are 5x to 6x times MORE likely to end up with ED.

But, I wonder if there could be a DIFFERENT link. We know that the obese, elderly & diabetic are more susceptible to COVID than others. The obese, elderly & diabetic are also prone to ED. So, do we have to factor that in? I don’t know. I haven’t seen the studies or numbers.

But, if we assume that it is indeed the case that men who get COVID could end up with a higher chance of getting ED, would not that be a great incentive to get vaccinated?

I am surprised that President Biden & others are NOT using this to encourage men to get the vaccine.

And herein comes the ‘Darwin Award‘ angle; i.e., giving evolution a much-need helping hand. Kind of straightforward. Men too ‘bullheaded’ to get the vaccine stand a greater chance of getting COVID than those that get the vaccine. The unvaccinated men that do get COVID have a higher chance of getting ED. While ED will not stop them completely of procreation, it sure can slow it down. Lower the chances of propagating their genes. That might NOT be a bad thing.

So? Will this, going forward, prove to a ‘Darwin Award‘ scenario?

I Think We Better Bone Up On ‘Mucormycosis’ (a.k.a. ‘Black Fungus) ASAP — Before It Blind Sides Us, As Did COVID.

by Anura Guruge
on June 28, 2021

Click image to access this short but informative primer.

Click to ENLARGE. Coverage you can find on ‘Google News’.

I just happened to hear about this, on today’s 11pm ‘BBC News‘ — albeit in the context of India. They have declared it an epidemic. That is not good.

As far as I can see Mucormycosis is not an issue of concern in the U.S. as yet. But, as you can see above diabetics are particularly susceptible & we have a LOT of diabetics — especially among the non-caucasians (& I am thinking, in particular, about my beloved Navajo).

Well, we don’t want to get blindsided again. So, we better bone up on this ASAP & find how we are going to combat it. I don’t think we can bury our heads in the sand. Like the COVID variants this is likely to find its way to the U.S.

This could be serious. Folks are losing eyes!