Tag Archives: COVID

Spectacular UK COVID Memorial, the ‘Bedworth Sanctuary’, To Be Burned Down Within The Week!

by Anura Guruge
on May 22, 2022

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Here is the link to the BBC original.

YouTube videos.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Here is the link to the U.K. ‘The Guardian’ original.

It is beautiful. So intricate. All wood. Spectacular.

I had NOT heard of it until this morning. Had you? I kind of feel bummed. As far as I can see, the U.K. ‘Daily Mail‘ that I rely on for 90% of my daily news did NOT feature this! I did a quick search just now. Couldn’t find it. There BAD!

I happened to see it, this morning, on ‘Sky News‘. I had a few minutes to spare & idly flicked on Sky News and browsed what they had. THEY HAD A STORY about this. 2nd video above. I was blown away.

You really should check it out. Quite amazing.

They plan to burn it next weekend! WOW. Well at least now we got a chance to see it.

Metamucil Has Crushed The Store Brands; The Latest Shortage.

by Anura Guruge
on April 11, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google.

In 2020, at the height of the COVID lockdowns there was a severe Metamucil shortage. I even did a post about it (below).

Click image to access my post from 2 years ago.

Luckily, store brands were still available — though there were times when it was kind of hit or miss.

By the Fall of 2020 the Metamucil shortage appeared to be over — though prices had gone up, appreciably.

Over the last couple of months I have noticed that the Metamucil store brands have disappeared off the shelves. But, there is a supply of Metamucil — at all time high prices. It would appear that one way or another Metamucil has won — at least for now. We just have to pay the higher prices.

German Man Who Got 90 COVID-19 Vaccination Shots Should Be Feted & Studied — NOT Prosecuted.

by Anura Guruge
on April 8, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’ a few minutes ago.

Yes, I understand that it is illegal & he was doing it to make money. But, what desperation. Yes, I know people do worse to make money. But, talk about taking chances. Pretty close to Russian roulette. The next shot could have killed him!

But, it didn’t.

So, what does it tell us about the vaccine?

Is it effective? If you can take so many doses & still be ‘healthy’ what does it say about the vaccine.

This guy should not be prosecuted.

They should be studying him. Keeping him under observation. Testing his blood, urine etc., at least once a week. Come on. What a golden opportunity. We could not have got volunteers to do this.

So, please don’t squander this. Exploit it.

The 1st Tick Of 2022, Off Our 100lbs Newfie, In Central New Hampshire (i.e., Alton).

by Anura Guruge
on April 3, 2022

Last week (left) & just yesterday, in the lake which still has some ice.

Yes, she was out for 2-hours this morning with me, off leash, way out in the woods on one of our ‘private’, secret trails.

It was cold both today & yesterday mornings, 32F yesterday & 36F today. So, it didn’t even occur to me that ticks would already be active.

So, a heads up. Be on the lookout for ticks.

My 15-year old daughter, whose dog Rowen is (though I do all the walking, feeding & 90% of the treats), spotted the tick, over her right eye, late in the afternoon.

She had also spent some time in her pen that runs the length of the house. The ground there would have been warmer given that 35% of the pen is under a covered deck.

Once I managed to hold her still getting the tick off was easy enough. It was NOT attached. It even looked pretty lifeless.

She does take ‘Simparica TRIO‘. We found it to be much more effective than ‘Frontline‘ etc.

Click image to access their website.

I just checked where we stood last year. This post was from April 25, 2021. Last year was bad. April 25 would have been three weeks hence. So, I guess we still have plenty of time for the ticks to become active.

Click image to access my post from a year ago.

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I Got My 2nd COVID-19 BOOSTER Today, 5-Months After My 1st Booster.

by Anura Guruge
on April 2, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Please don’t steal or reproduce. I am very shy.

Given my advanced years & uncertain health, I don’t want to take any chances. Plus, I am still convinced that my first shot — supposedly J&J was a FAKE. I think they injected me with some saline.

Well, now, at least, I have had 3 shots — two of them supposedly Pfizer. Note ‘supposedly‘. I hate to say this, BUT I don’t trust any of the folks involved in this. How do we know? How can we tell. Triple, quadruple vaccinated folks still end up getting COVID. Obama got COVID.

Well, at least I have tried.

As far as I am concerned it is a bloody miracle that I haven’t got COVID as yet. But, I am not complacent. I realize that I could get it tomorrow.

With the 1st booster I managed to get it within 21-hours of it getting approved.

With this the 2nd, I wasn’t in as much of a hurry. PLUS, I did not want to get it on April 1 — April Fools’ Day! So, I waited until today.

Lets see what transpires. Fingers crossed.

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New Hampshire’s Open Air Gyms To Beat COVID.

by Anura Guruge
on March 23, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

In Somersworth, New Hampshire.

Makes sense. You don’t have to worry about masks or social distancing. Plus, it cuts down on the sweating.

Please, also note the discarded beer can. Another ‘beni’. You can chug beer while exercising. It does NOT get better than this.

Confused As To Why There Was So Much Blood In “Shane Warne’s (52)” Room IF He Died Of An Heart Attack.

by Anura Guruge
on March 6, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

I appreciate that most of those that ‘read’ this blog have no interest in cricket & have no idea, whatsoever, as to who ‘Shane‘ was — despite him being a towering legend in the cricketing world.

But, I have to, for my sake, document all that bothers me. Hence, this brief, ‘placeholder’, post.

I have NO experience or expertise when it comes to CPR. Yes, it is possible that all that vigorous ‘pounding’ on the chest can cause blood to seep from the mouth & nose. But, this seems like a lot. Just asking. I know I am not the only one asking.

So, this is just for the record to show that I am still on the ball when it comes to this case.

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Could Totally Unexpected Death Of ‘Shane Warne (52)’, Have Anything To Do With Him Contracting COVID?

by Anura Guruge
on March 5, 2022

Click to access original article from ‘Hindustan Times‘.

Yesterday’s post on this blog.

It does NOT make sense that a high-profile, sports-celebrity from a developed country keels over, suddenly, and dies from a heart attack in 2022. It is quite the indictment on modern medicine.

Was he ever considered or treated as being of high risk for a heart attack.

Was he taking any medication — & I ask this as one who was put on preventive medication for heart disease when I was 44. My then cardiologist said: ‘you will thank me when you are in your 60s‘. Yes, I do thank him, daily. So, was Shane on medication, e.g., Lipitor?

Yes, he was noticeably overweight, BUT not obese. He drank, did drugs & probably smoked. It also emerges he was asmatic. But, that alone should NOT have killed him IF he was getting proper medical care?

And that is THE QUESTION?

What was his cholesterol levels? Blood pressure? Blood sugar.

Then, I discovered he contracted COVID-19, & was on a ventilator, just 6-months ago. Hhhmmm.

There has been a lot of talk of COVID & heart failure.

I hope folks will be forthcoming as to what happened to Shane. It would be valuable to know.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Folks Going To Work, Knowing They Have COVID (Omicron) & Openly Dealing With The UNSUSPECTING Public.

by Anura Guruge
on January 24, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From Google News.

It is sad, scary & was totally PREDICTABLE.

What a sorry state we, in the U.S., are in.

Omicron, as we all know, though highly infectious, is not as debilitating for most as the prior iterations of COVID. Some claim that it is like a really bad case of the flu.

Well, it appears that folks are going to work KNOWING that they have COVID — or the Omicron variant. Moreover, some of these folks have jobs dealing with THE PUBLIC — & they are doing so without in any way notifying the public that they currently have COVID. This is not right, of course, at multiple levels.

It is sad. It is scary.

Some, of course, are going to work because they need the money. Staying at home is not an option. My heart bleeds for them. That is not right. We really should not permit that.

Then there are those that go to work because they are just plain cussed & think it is ‘OK’ to expose others. A bit of a lark. They are SICK — in multiple ways. Ironically, at least as of now, they cannot be prosecuted for breaking any laws. That is not right.

Then we have that go to work because of ‘staff shortages’! This scenario is bad, because many of these are jobs that involve public intercourse. They go to work because their job has to be done to keep a public facility open & functioning. This is NOT good. But, it happens.

I learnt last night that some Town Employees (of a New Hampshire town) worked over the weekend, openly dealing with the public, thought they had already tested POSITIVE for COVID. They couldn’t call in sick because they didn’t have anybody to cover for them. They were already short-staffed. They couldn’t call in sick. Well, they could have BUT there MIGHT have been a public outcry. But, couldn’t we the public have been told, ‘Closed due to COVID’?

Instead, a lot of unsuspecting folks got exposed to COVID!


In 2021, Despite COVID, I Did A Fair Amount Of Travelling, All Per COVID Protocols + The 3,214 Miles I Walked.

by Anura Guruge
on January 17, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From Google — per my timeline.

Click to ENLARGE. From Google. Too long trips + multiple trips to Maine & Massachusetts.

My 3,200 steps in 2021 — click for my post.

Yes, I was, of course, aware that I had made two long trips; one, 2,700-miles, to Iowa to pickup ‘Rowen‘ our Newfie pup & the other, in September (as is my wont) to Shenandoah (for the second year running). Then there was my usual trips to Maine & in 2021 all the numerous trips to Boston to do with my cataract surgeries (& follow ups). But, until I got Google’s annual summary of my timeline I had no idea that I been by 85 cities. I sure know I didn’t visit that many. But, if Google says so, I guess I must have been through them. Neat.

What is pretty amazing is that I assiduously adhered to all the prevailing COVID protocols! So, during the January Iowa trip, we did not stay overnight in NY or PA so as to honor their COVID requirements.

By the time of the other trips, I had been vaccinated — as of March 6, 2021. So, that helped.

Wonder how 2022 will pan out. Haven’t travelled any, even to Boston, this Yikes.