Tag Archives: COVID

Hurricane ‘Helene’ Damage To ‘Biltmore Estate’ — What Worries Me Most Are The GARDENS.

by Anura Guruge
on October 5, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

Teischan‘ & I were lucky enough to be able to visit in September 2020 — at the height of COVID. See below.

While the ‘house’, of course, was SPECTACULAR, I most enjoyed the gardens. They were so wonderfully laid out and maintained. Plus, there was so much fauna — fish, deer and horses (at a minimum). They have already told us that they did lose some animals. The fish would have got washed away. They probably survived IF they didn’t get carried downstream into the Gulf. Don’t think they can survive salt water. SHAME.

I would think it would take years to restore the grounds.

Plus the house had an ENORMOUS, multistorey basement. The top-right photo above is from the basement — their ‘Halloween Room’. The basement could also have suffered flooding. Not good.

I keep on looking online for updates.

I Got Vaccinated Up The Ying-Yang Today: COVID Booster, RSV & ‘Old Man’ Flu.

by Anura Guruge
on December 7, 2023

Click image to ENLARGE.

I don’t have a problem with — or getting — vaccines. Grew up getting vaccinated.

True, that I did NOT bother getting the Flu vaccination until I was in my 60s. But, I got tired of getting nagged to get it. So, I have been getting the ‘old man’ flu vaccination, annually, around this time, for the last 6 or 7 years.

I also want to be as protected against COVID as I can. I am not going to take any chances. This was my 4th BOOSTER — but, I never got a proper shot to begin with because of my color. They were giving us non-whites saline solution to save on the vaccine — but telling us that we were all good. I am used to that.

First time getting the RSV. That one HURT. Stung. But that is OK. I am prone to chest infections. So, I will take any ‘cover’ I can.

That Sri Lanka (Or For That Matter The Maldives Nor Thailand) Makes This ‘Best Beaches In The World’ List Seems Strange.

by Anura Guruge
on February 28, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. For CNN original.

Yes, yes, I appreciate that this is BUT a ‘Tripadvisor’ poll & their polls are not that representative. It also, of course, depends on the number of people writing reviews & taking part in the poll. With COVID the financial crisis tourism to Sri Lanka has dropped in the last few years & that also has to be a factor.

I haven’t been to Sri Lanka, the Maldives or Thailand of late, but I know that they have some world-class & duly celebrated beaches. Hence my skepticism on seeing this list.

I used to write a LOT of reviews for Tripadvisor BUT I stopped when I saw that they were reluctant to post bad reviews. That is not right. That is not cricket. So, their lists no doubt are skewed.

I am interested in seeing what you think. Yes, I am sure Brazilian beaches are a LOT of fun. So, I have no gripes with that. ICELAND? Do you have to wear a parka & gloves? Interesting.

February 28 Is The 10 Year Anniversary Of “Benedict XVI’s” Resignation — I Really Hope “Pope Francis” Is Not THINKING Of Resigning.

by Anura Guruge
on February 23, 2023

Click image to access the full article on ‘NCR‘. Google for more coverage.

I am NOT an advocate of papal resignations. I think it detracts from the office.

Francis has talked about the possibility of him retiring since more of less day 1 of his office. But, most (if not ALL) of us who are serious Vaticanologist KNEW he would never resign while Ex-Pope ‘Benedict XVI’ was alive. Well, that is no longer an impediment.

Yes, Pope Francis at 86 is OLD & is now the 3rd OLDEST pope in recorded history. He doesn’t look or act happy. Also take a look at the photo above. He has put on a LOT of weight. Yes, lack of mobility has to be an issue.

I get a feeling, & as always I could be very wrong, that he is frustrated. He doesn’t like being incapacitated & not being able to do his job. But, I hope he does NOT resign. Definitely NOT on Feb. 28. That would create a dangerous precedent. February 28 the day when popes resign. That will NOT do.

‘Pope Francis’ Yet Again Opts For A Private Lenten Retreat In 2023 — Is This A Precursor To An Announcement?

by Anura Guruge
on January 24, 2023

Click image to access the full article on ‘CNA‘. Google for more coverage.

This will be the 4th year in a row that Pope Francis has opted for a private Lenten retreat. The pope going to a Lenten retreat, away from Rome, with the heads of the Vatican dicasteries was a fond, much anticipated tradition started by Pope Pius XI (1922 — 1939). So, it is a practice going back close to a century.

That the pope, because of COVID, opted for a private retreat in 2022 & 2021 is understandable.

In 2020 he stayed back because he was suffering from a bad cold — & COVID was beginning to raise its ugly head.

Obviously this year the impediment, indubitably, also has to be health. And that is what makes you — or more to the point I — start to wonder.

Is the pope slowly getting ready to announce his retirement?

Yes, there was plenty of talk & speculation on this matter last year — some of it prompted by the pope himself.

But all of us with some understanding of the papacy & the Vatican knew that Francis would not retire while ex-pope Benedict XVI was still alive. Having two ex-popes would have been too much for the Church.

But, now Benedict XVI is gone — & the one month anniversary will be next week.

Benedict XVI resigned on February 28, 2013.

February 28 is just 5 weeks away.

I sure hope he doesn’t retire on February 28.

That will create a terrible precedent, February 28 becoming the accepted day for contemporary popes to retire.

I get a feeling Francis is discouraged by his health. He isn’t the happy fellow he was in 2013. The papacy has taken its toll on him.

We just have to wait & see.

Our Vet Was Closed On Thursday (Without Prior Notice) Because Of Staff Shortages.

by Anura Guruge
on October 8, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘NHPR’.

It is more than disconcerting to call on your well established & longstanding vet & be confronted with a ‘greeting’ saying that they are closed for the day because of STAFF SHORTAGES. Wow. This was a practice that was open during the height of COVID — albeit with strict protocols. Now, they are intermittently closed because of staff shortages.

Well this happened to us this past Thursday. Rowen was sick & needed to be seen, ASAP. They were closed & the message said to contact a EMERGENCY SERVICE. We did — & it was NOT CHEAP! Not thrilled.

This is getting out of control.

A busy, successful veterinary practice impacted by staff shortages.

This is ALL I hear wherever I go. “We are short staffed“.

Where did they all go? Something is not right — BUT it is way above my pay grade to try figure what it is.

What We Can Learn From The Quad-Vaccinated ‘Pfizer’ Boss Getting COVID TWICE Within A Month.

by Anura Guruge
on September 26, 2022

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’.

This story about the ‘Pfizer‘ CEO getting COVID twice in a month, which I read this morning, was particularly poignant since I had just got my 3rd COVID BOOSTER, which was indeed Pfizer, just yesterday.

But, I immediately caught on, even before I go to the point where he points it out, that he HAD NOT got the 3rd booster.

In his case QUAD means the initial two shots he got PLUS 2 boosters. So, I am more boosted than he is.

But, what else can we learn.

1/ He is getting diagnosed with COVID because he is being regularly tested. I am NOT. I got tested a fair amount in 2020 because I was getting cataract surgery. Outside of that I had not been tested NOR have I bothered to check myself.

So LESSON 1: IF you are regularly tested, the chances are that they will find that you have COVID.

2/ LESSON 2: The vaccine nor the boosters can stop you from getting COVID.

I trust that we all knew that.

3/ LESSON 3: The vaccine PLUS boosters can mitigate the COVID symptoms to the point that you don’t even know you have it — unless you are TESTED.

I think this lesson is key.

That should be a real takeaway. The vaccine & boosters can make it mild to the point you don’t even know you have it. That is GOOD.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

I Got My 3rd COVID-19 BOOSTER Today, 5.75-Months After My 2nd Booster.

by Anura Guruge
on September 25, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Well, it appears to have worked so far, so I am GAME to go along. I am sure I will get COVID at some point — I sure seem to be meeting folks, with increasing regularity, who have got COVID despite having had Boosters. I just like to delay it as long as possible — plus getting the boosters costs me nothing, bar some time & effort. Well, I did it.

This time around I was a few weeks behind, mainly because of my last trip to Maine in mid-September. The other two times I got my booster within days of becoming eligible!

Let’s wait & see. Fingers crossed.

I also got my annual flu shot while I was there. This was by far the earliest I have got the flu shot. I typically like to get it around Thanksgiving. Well …

They (i.e., ‘Walgreens’) didn’t have the pneumonia shot that I had also signed up for. Damn! Need to get that at some point. Going for my DREADED annual physical on Tuesday. Maybe they might have it.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

UK COVID Memorial, the ‘Bedworth Sanctuary’, Goes Up In Flames As Was The Plan!

by Anura Guruge
on May 28, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

YouTube videos.


From the little I had learnt I knew that it was indeed supposed to go up in flames today, i.e., Saturday, May 28, 2022. Burning it down, within a week (or so) of it being completed never made any sense to I.

STUPID. Irresponsible.

1 million dollars.

1 million dollars is 1 million dollars. It is ALL relative BUT much can be done with a million dollars. To burn a structure like this, which cost a million dollars, just seems wrong.

There is more to this than we know — or at least I can find out. I already gave you a heads up on that.

Click image to access my May 23, 2022 post.

Well, I will try to find out more about this, & if I do I sure will SHARE it with you.

There May Be MORE To UK COVID Memorial, the ‘Bedworth Sanctuary’, Than Meets The Eye!

by Anura Guruge
on May 23, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Here is the link to the original at: nbca.org.uk.

Click to ENLARGE. I got this via Twitter in reply to yesterday’s post.

As I said yesterday in my post I had never heard of this COVID memorial until I saw a clip about it, on Sky News, earlier that day.

Then today I get the above Tweet with that link … which resolves to the nbca.org.uk post show on top.

I really have NO IDEA what is going on, but it is already pretty clear that there is more to this than meets the eye … & much, much more than I have a clue about.

One thing I did determine, fairly quickly, is that nbca.org.uk is a NEW association (& as such also a new website). They had their inaugural annual general meeting just 12 days ago. I have NO desire to get involved. I am just going to present what they have to say. PERIOD.

I had heard/read the MILLION DOLLAR price tag. That, even today, is a respectable amount of money.

The intricate woodwork & the architecture is amazing. Beautiful.

Seems such a wanton waste to burn it to the ground. WOW.

American money involved, even though it is in the U.K.?

U.K. tax payer money tied up?

I am intrigued. I will try to find out more by keeping my ear to the screen. OK?