Tag Archives: cost basis

$2,000 Cap. Gains Tax Loss With A $0.00 Cost Basis!

by Anura Guruge
on March 17, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. NOT MINE! (Smile)

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Fidelity’. YES, you can have a NEGATIVE ‘Total Proceeds’. This is PROOF.

Option traders like I OFTEN get NEGATIVE ‘Total Proceeds’.

Lot of tax software just can’t deal with it. I have bitched about that before.

I saw the above yesterday. IT is very dramatic in that it CLEARLY shows a $0.00 Cost Basis!

It is basically saying you incurred a $2,000 loss without buying anything. Isn’t that cool.

NO, no it isn’t my 1099. Mine has MORE DIGITS. Smile. Yes, mine, IF I am lucky can have NEGATIVE signs too, but, ALAS, not for the last 2 years. {NOT SMILING} But, if I am really careful & canny I might be able to get back to negative numbers this year. SMILE.

I just wanted to SHOW you this because many wouldn’t believe me IF I told them of the counter-intuitive 1099s us option traders get.

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Adjusting The ‘Cost Basis’ Of Stocks Sold Up Until Settlement Day — At Fidelity.

by Anura Guruge
on January 7, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. ‘SELL SPECIFIC’ when selling stocks, ETFs, etc.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Fidelity’.

NO. NO. There is no hanky-panky here or anything even vaguely illegal or even slightly unethical. All perfectly above board & totally kosher — IRS approved.

This comes into play when you have stock (or other assets (such as ETFs or mutual fund shares)) that you have bought at different times — ideally over a long stretch of time. If so, what you paid to buy those assets, at different times, are likely to be different — in many instances, very different. But, you bought them & as such YOU can SELL them. Moreover, you can specify which ones you want sold at a given time to give YOU the BEST cost basis (i.e., minimize the capital gains you accrue).

To make this as easy & as simple as possible, Fidelity, as you can see from the top image, offers a ‘SELL SPECIFIC’ option. That is neat & works real well. When you invoke it you get a list of all the shares, when you bought them & their current value in terms of capital gains or losses. You can then select the ones you want to sell. BINGO. You get the BEST cost basis you can & are entitled to.

Sometimes you might NOT be able to use ‘SELL SPECIFIC’. I ran into that yesterday — for arcane reasons too obscure to relate. So, I just sold the x number of shares I needed to sell at the THEN PRICE. It would be three days prior to settlement. During that window I can tell Fidelity what shares I want sold. In essence, it is SELL SPECIFC retroactively. Nothing illegal. I still sold x shares. I just didn’t specify, at the time, which shares they should be. And that is why we have a delayed settlement date.

Today, was the first time I had asked for this cost basis adjustment. You can’t do it online. It has to be done by the back-office & takes over a day. But, they assure me that it works. I trust them.

So, just letting you know. Basically, you can do ‘SELL SPECFIC’, after the fact, as long as you do it before settlement. All the best.

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