Tag Archives: convicted

It Will Be Exciting, Fun & Different To Have A President Who WAS A Convicted Felon.

by Anura Guruge
on May 30, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

I am totally gobsmacked that it was NOT a hung jury. I was totally convinced that it would be a hung jury. I am totally blindsided. I never, ever, in my wildest dreams, thought he would be convicted of even ONE charge — let alone all 34. WOW.

Plus, I think all his convictions could get overturned on APPEAL — & that this might happen before he becomes the NEXT PRESIDENT in January 2025. That is why, in my title I use ‘WAS‘.

It will be fun & exciting. Some folks & some countries might righteous. As of now these convictions will be thrown in his face, day in, day out, but they will not matter an iota. As LONG as Biden is his opponent, he will win by a LANDSLIDE. IF, by some miracle, it is NOT Biden, things could be get a bit tighter. But, he probably will beat any opponent. Folks now realize that he is the only person, convicted or conviction overturned, that, in the SHORT TERM, can get this country normalized.

It is a shame about these convictions. A hung jury would have been so much better.