Tag Archives: contaminated eye drops

Home Testing For Eye Drops To Prevent Blindness From Contaminated Bottles.

by Anura Guruge
on March 25, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

Click image to access this post from February 1, 2023.

My wonderful cataract surgeon (who in my eyes can do NO wrong) is very insistent that I use lubricating eye drops multiple times a day. He, & the practice he works for, are BIG on eye drops — though they are also adamant that the drops have to be ‘Refresh‘.

Since I first heard about the contaminated drops I have been, understandably, concerned — even sacred. It would be dreadful to go bling. I would rather DIE.

I stopped using eye drops for awhile. But, my doctor was adamant that ‘Refresh’ will always be SAFE. I am not that sure.

I want to see some kind of ‘inexpensive’ HOME TEST ‘kit’ for eye drops. Ideally like litmus strips. You put a drop onto the strip & it will tell you if the drops are safe or not.

Doesn’t that make a LOT of sense.

So, I am pushing for that.

Home Testing for eye drops. Help me make this a reality.