Tag Archives: Constitution

It Would Make A Lot Of Sense For Pope ‘Pope Francis’ To Promulgate A Constitution That Supersedes ‘Universi Dominici Gregis’ (UDG).

by Anura Guruge
on November 6, 2023

Click to ENLARGE & view here. Page 156 of MYThe Conclave‘ book.

UDG came out in 1996 — 27-years ago.

It was UPDATED in 2013 (10-years ago) — by ‘Normas Nonnullas‘ (NN).

Now, rather than making MORE updates, it would behoove Pope Francis to promulgate a brand new, UPDATED & REVISED Apostolic Constitution that reflects today’s realties.

Yes, for a start he could totally eliminate the 120 max cardinal elector proviso. Don’t bother putting a limit — whether it be 135, 150, 175 or 250.

Just state the obvious & most logical. All cardinal electors could & should attend. End of subject. Rome has spoken.

All the updates from NN can & should be included — & maybe even updated.

There are still a few inconsistencies, even with NN, when it comes to sede vacante caused by death vs resignation. Let’s get all of those eliminated once and for all. Resignations will happen in the future.

Francis should make other changes he sees fit. The speculations about changing the rules for ‘General Congregations’ fall into this. It is his prerogative.

That said, in the end it would be curial STAFF who will draw up the final Constitution. It is said that John Paul II was heavily involved, hands-on, with UDG. That might explain why it was not as watertight as it should have been. (I discuss many of the irregularities in ‘The Conclave‘.) This time around Canon Lawyers must do the final draft.

Despite today’s news that he was feeling unwell, Francis has time. The curia might already be working on it.

So, I am ALL in favor of a new Constitution. HOW EXCITING. Smile.

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