Tag Archives: collapse

Collapse Of The ‘Alton’, New Hampshire, Recycling Center Building.

by Anura Guruge
on December 24, 2022

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To see the downed building, one that I had been under just 4-days earlier, was quite the shocker.

It had been quite the brutal storm but seeing this was really sobering.

I rarely, if ever, go to the ‘dump’ (i.e., recycling center) on a Friday. Monday is my day to make my weekly trip to the dump.

But, we had the storm on Friday. We were without power. So not that much I could do, productively, around the house. I needed MORE gas for the generators. We had quite a build up of CARDBOARD with all of the Christmas buying. PLUS, I knew we would have more after Christmas on Sunday. So, I decided I would do a quick run to the dump, get rid of all the cardboard & other garbage & then grab more gas on the way back.


There was an electronic display board close to the entrance saying something along the lines of: “We will reopen 12/26”. But, nothing that said it was closed per se. Then I saw the collapsed building & another sign saying “Road Closed”. But, I could see vehicles ahead using the dump facility — as opposed to the recycling center. So, I weaved myself up there & people were using it. So, I got rid of what I needed to get rid of.

As to the building I don’t think it was ALL just wind. I think there must have been a LOT of snow on it from the previous storm. I know that we had a lot on our roof & I was worried what the rain would do to it. So, I raked off some from the bottom to give the rain a chance to rain. Worked. Our roof was snow free within a couple of hours.

Yes, that side of the building is really a pavilion — a roof, on supports, without any walls. So, the wind can howl through it. But, I doubt it was the wind alone.

Our recycling center, for reasons that some of us know (rather amusingly), REFUSES to have cameras installed though there was money allocated for that. So, in the absence of cameras we have no video footage to show what happened. Maybe NOW they will get around to installing cameras. SMILE.