Tag Archives: circuses

Offensive & Uncalled For Headline Invoking Elephant Abuse.

by Anura Guruge
on July 24, 2024

There was no reason, whatsoever, for this OFFENSIVE headline!

Shame on YOU (yet again), U.K. ‘Daily Mail’.

Any reference to elephants being mistreated, let alone abused is distressing to many of us.

Yes, I know elephants used to be badly mistreated by circuses — but, as far as I know, not so in the U.S. in at least the last 40 years. Folks would NOT have tolerated that.

We no longer (as far as I know) have any U.S. circuses with elephants. I am NOT totally happy about that. I have NO problem with performing elephants as long as they are well looked after. But, that is a different topic.

For now, please share MY outrage at this uncalled for, offensive, headline. Shame on YOU, Daily Mail.