Tag Archives: Christmas trees

Fragments Of MORE Great Artwork In ‘Laconia’, N.H. (This Time For ‘Martin Luther King’ Day) — January 12, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on January 12, 2023

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Laconia has become quite the Mecca for art. Everytime I visit I encounter impressive examples all over the place. These were all at the ‘Belknap Mill’ where we had our ‘Rotary Meeting’. I didn’t get time to check who work these were. They were GOOD. Very good. Loved them.

A Ceiling WEDGE I Created To Keep Our HEAVY 8′ Christmas Tree Rock Solid.

by Anura Guruge
on January 7, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE. Ignore the sellotape. That was used to hold up a Star (ahead of the tree).

Click to ENLARGE. The tree, lit, but BEFORE it was decorated.

This was a BIG, HEAVY tree. The largest tree we have had in a long time — if not ever.

As I talked about in this post I used about 70 lbs of weights on top of & around the plastic tree stand to make sure it did not tip over. The main weight was a large rock. The weights, to be fair, did their job. The tree felt pretty solid once it was up & straightened. Then they strung the lights & a lot of decorations. Obviously shifted the weight distribution. It started to lean forward ever so slightly. It probably would not have tipped over BUT I was not taking any chances. There was way too many breakable on the tree & around it.

As is my wont I pondered over the problem. Occurred to me that a wedge, at the TOP, might work given that the top of the tree was strong & sturdy (i.e., NOT limp). I tried with a couple of pieces of wood. It seemed to work BUT it was not pretty. My daughter would never let me get away with it. So, I found a large wooden dowel & drilled a hole in it. Then I put it over the tree & wedged it against the ceiling. Just for the record, the ceiling in that corner, has seen 16-years of Christmas tree ABUSE. So, I really didn’t mind a few more scuffs. They remind us of all the Christmas trees we struggled with.

My wedge WORKED. Worked real well. Today we took it down. But the wedge kept it in place for 2-weeks. It didn’t even move 1/2 an inch. WE KNOW. We made some marks on the ceiling as check-marks. The tree did NOT move.

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The Outside Christmas Lights For 2022 Are All Finally Up.

by Anura Guruge
on December 13, 2022

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The glow lights up our dirt road.

And pigs can now fly.

It took longer than normal but the outside lights, for 2022, are finally up — or as much as will be going up this year. All Teischan’s work. I just installed the 3 MAIN lasers. She installed another smaller one — for the garage. She is still unwell. So, she will not be putting lights up on the trees this year. Pity. They look so nice. She won’t let me do them! It is her ‘thing’. But, it still looks nice & we light up the road.

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I Install The Christmas Lasers — 3 To Begin With.

by Anura Guruge
on December 10, 2022

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We light up the trees too.

3 lasers.

Tesichan, a bit ‘under the weather’, is, to her chagrin, a behind schedule with getting all the outside lights done. But, she won’t let me help her or attempt to do some of it myself. Given that she has been doing all the lights herself for the last few years she thinks I am no longer capable. I am OK with that.

She did, however, let me put the 3 lasers up though she was NOT happy that she was not able to standover me & supervise! She might go & mess around with them tomorrow. That is OK. Christmas is all for her.

To my surprise & delight the ground was NOT frozen. For once I was able to get some deep holes made without undue trouble. So, I was able to set them firmly in the ground — though I did bolster them with a few rocks.

I am never satisfied with the lasers. Just this morning I was looking to see what new ones they had. So I might not be done for the year. Might have to get another. This year I have enough wiring laid out for a FEW more! SMILE.

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The 8′ Real Christmas Tree Is Finally Decorated.

by Anura Guruge
on December 10, 2022

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Click images to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE.

For a number of reasons it took longer for the tree to get decorated this year than in past years. But, it was finally done (or as done as it was going to be) yesterday. That is good. Still meant that it was decorated within the week.

Though a fair amount has been done — & check these photos too — there is still more to be done. They are working on it while I do this post.

The Pink tree is all set. I will keep you posted.

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Fragments Of Great Artwork From ‘Laconia’, N.H. — December 8, 2022.

by Anura Guruge
on December 8, 2022

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Laconia has become quite the Mecca for art. Everytime I visit I encounter impressive examples all over the place.

This is the 3rd post on the art I have come across in Laconia. Enjoy. Visit Laconia. Walk around. you will be astounded. Right now they also have a very becoming & colorful display of decorated Christmas trees.

The 8′ Real Christmas Tree Is Now Lit But Only Partially Decorated.

by Anura Guruge
on December 6, 2022

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The lights have to go on before decorating can start.

The lights are now up. I am sure it will be fully decorated by Friday.

The Pink tree is all set. I will keep you posted.

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The 2 Main Christmas Trees Are Up; The 8′ Real One & The Shocking Pink One.

by Anura Guruge
on December 4, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. I am sure you can work out which is which.

Teischan & I brought in the 8′ real one after I cut it to size (& as you can see I got it spot on (i.e., the top is brushing the ceiling)) & set it as firmly as I could in a (fairly large) base. BIG, heavy tree. T picked it (as is always the case). Very fussy & but knows what she likes. She does pick good trees BUT they tend to be BIG. This was probably the heaviest tree I remember contending with. Used all my tricks (from 36 years of doing Christmas trees) to get it fairly straight in the base. BIGGEST problem was weighing down the base. We ended up using upwards of 70 lbs to weight it down — a combination of large stones, my old 14 lbs weighted belt & a bunch of free weights. We are fairly happy.

It didn’t have its lights on, prior to it being decorated, when I took the picture. The lights are on & it is partially decorated now. Yes, you will get to see the pictures.

We used, until 2 (maybe 3) years ago to get two real trees — both the same height. Then Teischan wanted a PINK tree. She got a pink tree. She is happy — & that is all that matters. Christmas revolves around her.

Rest assured you will see more pictures in the days & weeks to come. PAX.

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Another Sobering Sign Of INFLATION, $85 For A 9′ Christmas Tree In RURAL New Hampshire.

by Anura Guruge
on December 3, 2022

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Letting it DRY given that it has rained all day.

I was taken aback. I think we paid $55 for the same size tree, from the SAME PLACE, last year. (We thought it was a 7′ tree. Proved to be 10′. We had to cut it to 9′. But, all the real trees we get are roughly that high — i.e., reach all the way to ceiling.)

The cashier, a young lady, was apologetic & said prices had gone UP this year.


I went & checked 2019 prices. See image above. $35. Yes, a different place (& they are not doing it since COVID).

Yes, I know gas prices have gone up & trucking is an issue. But, this is crazy. I am sure that there is a fair amount of EXPLOITATION & profit taking here.

Remember, we are in RURAL N.H. — where they grow Christmas trees. Yes, I could go out in the woods & cut one. I might have to next year. WE DON’T PAY CITY PRICES.

This was sobering.

GLAD we only get ONE tree these days (as of 2 years ago). Two trees would have set us back $170!

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