Tag Archives: christmas gifts

Handmade (Or Painted) Christmas (2022) Presents For Us By Our 16-Year Old Artist.

by Anura Guruge
on December 25, 2022

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Containers & dishes out of clay for each of us (i.e., 3).

NOT ‘Dad’. Each of our initials which HAPPENS to spell out ‘Dad’. The ‘A’ is MINE.

She painted (& weather sealed) this bird feeder.

Over the last few years we always look forward to this. Her handmade — or painted — gifts for the three of us. This year she wrapped them all, in bluish paper, & had them on the table.

Compared to last year, when she was sick & was home for the duration, she hardly had any time this year. She had school until Wednesday. Then on Friday we lost power for the whole day. So, she, basically, only had 2 days to get all of this done.

She worked like crazy yesterday, Saturday, once the power came back, to get it all done.

It is grand. She wishes she had more time. But, we love what we got & that is what matters.

We all had a grand Christmas. Hope you did too.