Tag Archives: Christmas book

My Office By Night.

by Anura Guruge
on January 11, 2024

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Since finishing my 2nd Christmas book, the Quiz One, I have been taking time off to declutter, rationalize and update my office. Making good progress. Layout the same, BUT major new look.

I got rid of over 400 books & a LOT (& I mean) a LOT of toys. Sold, very successfully, over $500 of N-scale & Z-scale train stuff! Wow.

This is what it looked like last night, when I turned my desk lamp off — when I was leaving for dinner.

Yes, there is a Buddha lamp above a picture of a nude. That is my office, my life.

Ukraine, Cocks A Snoot At Russia, By Abandoning ‘Eastern Christmas’ (i.e., Jan. 7) In Favor Of ‘Western Christmas’ (i.e., Dec. 25).

by Anura Guruge
on December 25, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. ‘NYT’ link.

Click to ENLARGE. From MY ‘Christmas — 175 Fun Facts’ book.

Ukraine CANCELLED Christmas in 2022.

I talked about that in my Christmas book (above).

This was BRILLIANT, absolutely brilliant. Cracked me up when I heard about it yesterday.

Very pointed & direct message — actually an insult — to Russia. ‘Putin‘ is said to attend church.

This is so good. Well done, Ukraine. We are in SOLIDARITY with YOU. Bravo!

Merry Christmas!