Tag Archives: christianity

We Really Should Educate All Kids, Around The Globe, Re. ‘The Abrahamic God’, ASAP, To Avoid Continued Ignorance & Intolerance.

by Anura Guruge
on November 22, 2021

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Click to ENLARGE. From a post I did 4-years ago.

Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia link.

Yesterday I had the chance to have a delightful, free-wheeling conversation with a very articulate, highly successful young lady — on the cusp of 30. She had a degree in marketing & had been a lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force for 4 years. Both her parent were also U.S. Air Force & one of them was quite famous. She was quite the lady. She impressed me no end. I would have been beyond proud to have her as a daughter. She was an overachiever & I admire than in folks.

Well, given her maiden name, which was iconic Eastern European we ended up talking about religion. Yes, as I had suspected she was born a Catholic. But, she volunteered that she was ‘no longer’. I, as is my wont, asked he if she still believed in God. She did. We started talking about her beliefs.

She started talking about all the other Gods (or gods) & happen to mention ‘Allah’ as one of the OTHER Gods. I had to stop her … in her tracks.

She, nearly 30, a B.A. degree — & moreover 4-years in the USAF with 6-months in Kuwait — did NOT know that Jews, Christians (like her) & Muslims worshipped & believed in the same God!

That was news to her!

I am AMAZED that the U.S. military does not, at a minimum, teach such BASIC religious precepts to its OFFICERS! How can you spend 6 months in Kuwait without knowing that the calls to prayer were for the SAME God that she believed in.

This is bad. This is sad.

We need to put an end to this. Wouldn’t you agree.

Three religions — Judaism, Christianity & Islam — SAME GOD.
That is sacrosanct.