Tag Archives: Christian Science

Flowers From The Ex-‘Christian Science’ Retirement Mansion In Concord, New Hampshire — September 2, 2021.

by Anura Guruge
on September 2, 2021

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Slideshow of all the flowers below.

This sign, in front of the mansion, tells the story quite well. It used to be owned by the ‘Christian Science‘ movement & was indeed a retirement home (though I can’t help thinking of it as a mansion given its exterior bearing). I am not sure whether they still own it or have an interest in it. As far as I know it is now a private retirement community. At least that is what the signs outside claim. ‘Concord Hospital‘ might have some space inside in that I noticed a number of parking spaces reserved for the hospital.

I have long admired this building from afar. Today, for the first time, I got a chance to amble around it. There were no signs dissuading I from doing so. I guess if it is indeed a retirement community guests & visitors are permitted. I will admit that it was early, i.e., just after 8am — & rain, that had been heavy & persistent, has just stopped. I only saw one person outside & it was a gentle older lady who wished me a ‘good morning‘. It was very genteel.

Parts of the building, particularly the exposed facade, does need some TLC. But, the gardens were well tended. I was impressed. They were probably even better a few weeks ago. I must try to visit again next Summer. But, that is a long ways away.

They also had a few of these charming, homemade mobiles on display. Very cute. You can see them making them at a craft session. Very clever idea. Even I could make one of these — I think.

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