Tag Archives: Central Sensitization

So HAPPY To Have My ‘Central Pain’ Book In Audio Form, On ‘Audible’.

by Anura Guruge
on February 17, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

You can find it on ‘Audible.com‘.

This book, which I wrote in 2017, continues to sell. Not a bestseller (alas), but a few copies continue to get bought, each month, & this has been the case since it was published.

As you can see from the reviews people like it.

It is IDEALLY suited to be an AUDIOBOOK. So, I am so, so delighted that it is. This will HELP PEOPLE. I am happy. I am NOT concerned about the ‘royaltes.

** ** ** **

At Christmas I also published a $1 print version of it.

So, I created this new PDF today. It is in color. Check it out. There is a PREVIEW.

Click image to get the book for a $1 at ‘PayHip‘. There is also a PREVIEW.

Click to ENLARGE.

IF you have pain make sure it is NOT Central Pain (or Central Sensitization).

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

My Christmas Present To Those In PAIN — My ‘Central Pain’ Book As A Color PDF For $1 (US).

by Anura Guruge
on December 13, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click image to get the book for a $1 at ‘PayHip‘. There is also a PREVIEW.

Click to ENLARGE.

This book, which I wrote in 2017, continues to sell. Not a bestseller (alas), but a few copies continue to get bought, each month, & this has been the case since it was published.

As you can see from the reviews people like it.

I wanted to PROVIDE an easy-to-read, CHEAP version of it.

So, this is it. I found ‘PayHip‘ — a platform for marketing PDFs.

So, I created this new PDF today. It is in color. Check it out. There is a PREVIEW.

IF you have pain make sure it is NOT Central Pain (or Central Sensitization).

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Another Take On Explaining Why Chronic ‘Central Pain’ Isn’t Due To Physical Ailments.

by Anura Guruge
on January 22, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. For full U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ article.

To be fair there is nothing new here. We have known about this for decades.

Yes, you can have chronic pain without it being due to ANYTHING actually wrong with you body — OTHER than how pain is processed by your Brain & Central Nervous System (CNS).

The connection between depression & central pain is also well known.

I address all of these in my 2017 ‘Central Pain’ book (which still sells steadily on a monthly basis).

I include some excerpts from that book below. Please check it out.

Click to ENLARGE. See below for explanation of analogy.

Click to ENLARGE. First page. Can YOU relate?

This ‘Check Engine Light’ analogy is one of the MOST PROFOUND tips in the book. IF you can get your head around it, it will explain so much about central pain, fibromyalgia an ‘Central Sensitization‘.

Central Pain is the equivalent of the ‘Check EngineLIGHT on a car malfunctioning.

Moreover, that light malfunctioning is impossible to fix. It is a deep ingrained fault in the Check Engine Light circuit.

The light is ON, but it does not mean that there is anything at all wrong in the car – other than the light!

You can replace every single component and probe in the car and the light will still remain on.

And that is Central Pain/ fibromyalgia.

The problem is a short-circuit in the Central Nervous System.

What compounds the problem is that problems in the Central Nervous System are near impossible to fix.

So, you can treat every other part of the body, with whatever, but you are NOT going to fix the PAIN. The pain is in the Central Nervous System.

So, the analogy. You can replace the engine, transmission, brakes, lights, exhaust … whatever … but the Check Engine Light will continue to stay on.

DITTO central pain, fibromyalgia an ‘Central Sensitization‘.

Check it out. You can look inside the book, at Amazon, for FREE. The eBook is priced at U.S. $2.99.

IF you have pain make sure it is NOT Central Pain (or Central Sensitization).

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

The ‘Check Engine Light’ Analogy In My ‘Central Pain’ Book To Explain Central Pain/Fibromyalgia.

by Anura Guruge
on January 20, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. See below for explanation of analogy.

Click to ENLARGE. First page. Can YOU relate?

My post yesterday about my 2017 ‘Central Pain’ book got me thinking.

This ‘Check Engine Light’ analogy is one of the MOST PROFOUND tips in the book. IF you can get your head around it, it will explain so much about central pain, fibromyalgia an ‘Central Sensitization‘.

Central Pain is the equivalent of the ‘Check EngineLIGHT on a car malfunctioning.

Moreover, that light malfunctioning is impossible to fix. It is a deep ingrained fault in the Check Engine Light circuit.

The light is ON, but it does not mean that there is anything at all wrong in the car – other than the light!

You can replace every single component and probe in the car and the light will still remain on.

And that is Central Pain/ fibromyalgia.

The problem is a short-circuit in the Central Nervous System.

What compounds the problem is that problems in the Central Nervous System are near impossible to fix.

So, you can treat every other part of the body, with whatever, but you are NOT going to fix the PAIN. The pain is in the Central Nervous System.

So, the analogy. You can replace the engine, transmission, brakes, lights, exhaust … whatever … but the Check Engine Light will continue to stay on.

DITTO central pain, fibromyalgia an ‘Central Sensitization‘.

Check it out. You can look inside the book, at Amazon, for FREE. The eBook is priced at U.S. $2.99.

IF you have pain make sure it is NOT Central Pain (or Central Sensitization).

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

A Doctor At ‘Dartmouth-Hitchcock’, A Rheumatologist, Says My ‘Central Pain’ Book Is ‘Well Written, And Very Apropos’.

by Anura Guruge
on January 19, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. First page. Can YOU relate?

This was yesterday, when, unsolicited, this rheumatologist told me this. It was humbling. He is nearly my age. So, he has been practicing for a long time. As a rheumatologist he knows about pain.

Made me realize that I need to AGAIN promote this book.

I wrote & published it in 2017. 5 years ago. I have written 8 books hence — none about pain. So, I move on. That is one of my MANY foibles. My interests, & with it, my writings change.

This ‘Central Pain’ book is important. It is the only one aimed at YOU, the sufferer of pain. As the reviews show some have found this book helpful.

I just haven’t promoted it. I didn’t write it to make money. SMILE.

Since 2017 the medical world has started calling ‘Central Pain’ ‘Central Sensitization‘ basically to get AWAY from the stigma of ‘pain’.

So, this book is also about ‘Central Sensitization’.

Check it out. You can look inside it, at Amazon, for FREE. The eBook is priced at U.S. $2.99.

IF you have pain make sure it is NOT Central Pain (or Central Sensitization).

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com