Tag Archives: Catholic

To I ‘Gay Catholic Priest’ Is An Oxymoron. You Can’t Be Chaste & Gay.

by Anura Guruge
on June 6, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

Click to ENLARGE. Pope WAS RIGHT. Click here for my recent post.

The pope was spot on when he rightly said that Catholic seminaries were already too full of gay men clamoring to be Catholic priests.

Yes, the term you hear most often when it comes to Catholic priests is ‘celibacy‘. Technically being celibate only means that you are precluded from getting married. Catholic priests, of course, are not permitted to get married. But, the vow of celibacy they take is much broader & stringent than that. They are supposed to be CHASTE, CONTINENT (i.e., exercising continence). That means they are expected NOT TO HAVE SEX.

Yes. NO SEX.

Goes even further. They are expected NOT to have any sexual thoughts.

So, please tell me how you can be a Catholic (bloody) priest and gay.

It has become a JOKE.

The pope is right.

‘Pope Francis’ Admits Catholic Clergy Is Far From Celibate — & Straight. Uses A GREAT Word.

by Anura Guruge
on April 27, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. News stories from ‘Google News‘. My annotations.

This is why we have had — & continue to have — SEX CRIMES committed by Catholic clergy. Catholic clerics are far from celibate and many, as the pope is saying, are gay — which is why so much of the Catholic Clerical Sex CRIMES were against boys — little boys.

I am DELIGHTED the pope had the guts to call it out. Way to GO, Francis. Dotage is suiting you. Go for it. Go. Go. Go. Call them out. Defrock them. About bloody time.

Thank YOU, Francis. You made my DAY.