Tag Archives: castle in the clouds

Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, July 31, 2021 — ‘Concerts In The Clouds’.

by Anura Guruge
on August 1, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Anu’s Picture of the Day:
Click to ENLARGE for FULL-SIZE ENLARGEMENTS use Slideshow at bottom.

The other 6:
In smaller-size here, for FULL-SIZE click below or in slideshow.

| All taken with my (Jan. 2021) Google Pixel 5. | Post processing limited, at most to just adjusting brightness, if & when required. | Attribution will be strictly ENFORCED. |

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

‘Concerts In The Clouds’ (‘Great Waters’), 3rd Concert, July 31, 2021: ‘Classic Albums Live’ — ‘Hotel California’.

by Anura Guruge
on July 30, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

The current segment of their Tour Schedule
(from their Website).

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classic_Albums_Live

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotel_California_(Eagles_album)

Check out this YouTube video.

Classic Albums Live‘ is a tribute band with a TWIST. Unlike other tribute bands, e.g., last week’s ‘Australian Bee Gees‘, they don’t do a compilation ‘best of‘ a given group. Instead, they do ONE ALBUM — ‘note for note, cut for cut‘. OK. That is interesting.

I have NOT heard of them before. So, not sure how this works. Do they just do that one album — in this case ‘Hotel California‘ by the ‘Eagles‘ & that is it? I have no idea. I did, however, do a quick tot-up of the track lengths. With breaks between the tracks we could get about an hour’s worth. That might be a tad short for a concert. So, they might throw in some other songs. I will let you know.

I like quite a few songs from ‘Hotel California‘. So, I am cool.

The weather is supposed to be storm & rain free. The temperature might fall into the 60s when the sun goes down. That is OK. I can deal with that.

This promises to be good. Very good. See you there.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

It Was Cool To See One Of My Photos (& Name) In The Latest ‘Castle In The Clouds’ Newsletter.

by Anura Guruge
on July 28, 2021

Click to ENLARGE.

I am a BIG fan, advocate & supporter of ‘Castle in the Clouds‘ & try to volunteer there whenever I can. That is what made it special. That I was kind of able to lend a hand (or at least a photo).

This was a picture I had taken July 17, 2021, at the ‘Peter Cincotti‘ concert. I had told my contacts at the ‘Castle’ that they were welcome to use any of my photos. Well, they did. I am happy.

‘Australian Bee Gees’, At ‘Concerts In The Clouds’, July 24, 2021 — Was Outstanding, Crowds On Their Feet, In Perfect Weather.

by Anura Guruge
on July 25, 2021

Click images to ENLARGE.

It was good, it was very good. I am told that there were upwards of 500 ticket holders in attendance & from what I saw (& I was in the thick of things) they had A BALL. By the end many were on their feet, bopping. It was 1970s deja vu & I should know — since I was there (& a big concert goer at that).

The weather could not have been better. Goldilocks. Just right.

It seems to have gone off without a hitch. I stood at the back of the tent (as befits my station & rank) & as such was able to see all of the action in front of me. All I could see was unadulterated enjoyment. I was proud to be a part of this. Wow. It was good.

There were, from what I could see, quite a few die hard ‘Bee Gees‘ fans in attendance & they sure seemed to be reveling in it. They were on their feet, some from the start, arms always akimbo. I was glad for them.

It was, from what I could tell, a huge success.

I am glad for ‘Great Waters‘ & for my friends at the ‘Castle in the Clouds‘. What an achievement.

Another concert next week. An ‘Eagles’ tribute band. Wow? Can it get any better. Suffice to say I am looking forward to it — assuming I am asked to attend. I will keep you posted whether I am there or not. I have contacts.

‘Concerts In The Clouds’ (‘Great Waters’), 2nd Concert, July 24, 2021 — Tribute Band, ‘Australian Bee Gees’.

by Anura Guruge
on July 22, 2021

Click image or here for more details of this concert … & buy tickets.

Click image or here to access their very dynamic Website.

From April of THIS year. At Las Vegas, where they are a well known fixture.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From their Website shown above.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From their Website shown above.

The 1st of the Great WatersConcerts in the Clouds‘ performances, last Saturday, July 17, 2021, featuring the incomparable piano-man ‘Peter Cincotti‘ was a HUGE success despite uncooperative weather. The weather is unlikely to be an issue this coming Saturday, i.e., July 24, for the 2nd concert — ‘The Australian Bee Gees‘ (a tribute band).

They have become a well known & well loved feature in Las Vegas. Rated as one of the TOP shows on the Strip! That has to make them good — & I say that as one who has seen at least 10 shows on the Strip. None disappointed.

I have, of course, checked them out. (SMILE) I like to know what I am getting myself into. They are good.

There are still some tickets available — albeit, mainly the outdoor lawn seating. But, it promises to be a nice evening & I too will be outside. So, ….

I plan to be there. See you there. Enjoy.

‘Concerts In The Clouds’ — ‘Great Waters’ 2021, Under A Tent Again (Now At ‘Castle In The Clouds’).

by Anura Guruge
on July 16, 2021


The tent. Up & ready for the MUSIC.

Great Waters is back in 2021, post COVID, raring to roar — now as ‘Concerts in the Clouds‘. After 4- or 5-year hiatus I am back, in earnest, giving them a hand — as usual, as a volunteer.

In the ‘old days’, i.e., 2015 — 2017 (or 2018), I was always a ‘stagehand‘. Now I am ‘security’. It is going to be fun & rewarding. I am glad to be back with ‘Great Waters’.

As I did in the past, I will sure chronicle our performances as we go along.

Come & support us. Come & say ‘Hi’. I am easy to spot. Thanks.

With ‘Gordon Lightfoot‘, at a ‘Great Waters’ concert, in July 2015.