Tag Archives: cancelled

The ‘New Hampshire Liquor Commission’ Decides That Those North Of ‘Concord’ Are Country Bumpkins Who Only Drink Beer & Cheap Vodka & Have Never Even Heard of ‘Beaujolais Nouveau’.

by Anura Guruge
on December 2, 2022

Yes, they initially missed ‘Beaujolais Nouveau Day‘, viz. November 17, 2022 (the 3rd Thursday of November) — see below — THEN they decided they were only going to sell it South of Concord.

I went looking for a bottle, on December 1, 2022, to the ‘Gilford’ store. Didn’t see a display. So, I asked a lady. She directed me, immediately, to THE MANGER. He was on the ball. Gave me the whole scoop. The Commission had decided that only stores South of Concord would get the 2022 ‘Beaujolais Nouveau’! I was gobsmacked. What? We are now 2nd class citizens within the State. The Manager, to his credit (& he is a v. nice guy), was not happy & said that he had sent an e-mail complaining. He also added that his e-mail did nothing & he did not expect that they would even bother to take any notice of it.

I was livid.

I think the Commissioner, Joseph W. Mollica, should be impeached. This is a crime against us — those living North of Concord. The sheer audacity.

I called and complained. They said someone will call me back to discuss. They never did. Not good.

New Hampshire Liquor Stores Admit DELAY Of ‘Beaujolais Nouveau’ 2022 — Ignorant Of The 3rd Thursday Of November Significance!

by Anura Guruge
on November 18, 2022

The New Hampshire Liquor Stores, only ever interested in raking in as much money as they can possibly do, has never bothered to understand wine — & in particular ‘Beaujolais Nouveau’. There isn’t that much money in it — the bottles are (still) relatively inexpensive.

Their interest is in hard liquor where they have hefty margins.

Beaujolais Nouveau is meant to be enjoyed on ‘Beaujolais Nouveau Day‘.

That was yesterday! The 3rd Thursday of November. That is a sacred day. The 3rd Thursday of November — Beaujolais Nouveau Day around the world. And it never varies. Same each & every year. The 3rd Thursday of November.

Delayed. Look for it this weekend. Philistines. Clueless.

I will, grudgingly, buy a bottle to taste it. But, that is it. In other years I but at least 6 bottles. But, screw the NH Liquor Stores. I am not giving them too much of my money.

‘Beaujolais Nouveau’ 2022 CANCELLED In New Hampshire! Sacre ‘Bloody’ Bleu!

by Anura Guruge
on November 17, 2027

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE.

TODAY, the 3rd Thursday of November, of course, is ‘Beaujolais Nouveau Day‘ 2022.

3rd Thursday of EVERY damn year.

But, it will NOT be so in damn, bloody New Hampshire!

Most likely due to the incompetence of the damn, bloody New Hampshire State Liquor Stores. They are philistines. NO bloody idea that today is Beaujolais Nouveau Day. Well …

I tried NOT ONE but two LARGE NH Liquor Stores. Don’t have it. They claim it is on a ship in Boston harbor.

I am beyond LIVID.

First time, as far as I can remember, & we are talking at least 40 years, WHEN I have NOT been able to celebrate Beaujolais Nouveau Day.

I wish, I wish I could live somewhere else. I really do.

2021 ‘Christmas Revels’, Cambridge, MA, ‘Thank You’ & ‘Happy New Year’ (YouTube) Video.

by Anura Guruge
on January , 2022

Click to ENLARGE & read here. E-mail from this morning.

Click image to access YouTube video or watch it below.

Click to ENLARGE. My ticket for the Dec. 29 show. I had the BEST seat in the house.

Always a nice touch from the VERY CLASSY folks at ‘Revels’ (Cambridge, MA) — the Revel’s Mother Ship (so to speak). I always liked it AFTER I had been to the show. Alas, there was no show last year, & this year, the show that I had a ticket for was cancelled. But, getting this uplifting video is a consolation (though to be fair, I was also sent a link to a recorded version of the whole show that I have yet to sit down and watch).

Well, enjoy.

Having them perform through masks is not optimum. A shame. A crying shame.

I hope that we can get back to ‘normal’ (i.e., the likes of 2019) in 2022.

Happy New Year.

Thank YOU, Revels (Cambridge, MA).

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

‘Christmas Revels’, in Cambridge, MA, Cancels Six Of Their Shows Due To COVID Fears.

by Anura Guruge
on December 22, 2021

Click to ENLARGE & read here. E-mail, a few minutes ago.

Click to ENLARGE. My ticket for the Dec. 29 show. I had the BEST seat in the house.

Truth be told I was NOT going to attend … because of COVID. Just wasn’t going to take a chance. Plus, it would not have been the same — wearing a mask & even WORSE, no communal dancing of the ‘Lord of the Dance‘. That is MY HIGHLIGHT. So, c’est la vie. No show at all last year, & now these shows cancelled. Maybe 2022.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com