Tag Archives: Burke

Does ‘Warrior Pope’ Francis Have Enough Testosterone To Excommunicate Retired Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò?

by Anura Guruge
on January 17, 2024

Click image to ENLARGE. ‘Newsweek’ link.

Retired Archbishop Carlo Carlo Maria Viganò, one-time Papal Nuncio to the U.S., is by now a well known GADFLY. His vocal criticisms of Pope Francis and the Vatican are not new. In 2018 he asked for the pope to resign. That is ‘acceptable’.

Calling the pope to be ARRESTED is a whole different matter!

That is meant to provoke, meant to goad, meant to incite.

He, better than anybody, KNOW that the pope can’t be arrested as such — & especially not if he is at the Vatican. Beyond unlikely that ANY COUNTRY in the world — that the pope is likely to visit — will arrest him. It would cause an uproar.

He is challenging the pope.

The pope has been slapped in the face with a velvet glove.

What will the Warrior Pope do?

He can’t FIRE him. He is already retired.

All he can do is EXCOMMUNICATE him. And he can do that just by saying that he is.

But, will the pope have the testosterone to do that?


He will excommunicate a poor Italian priest.

He will fire a U.S. bishop.

But, will he do anything to Vigano.

This is the TEST.

Vigano knows it.

Francis is UNDER ATTACK.

This comes within 48-hours of Francis’ papacy being called a PORNOCRACY in a Catholic publication.

The pope can’t take this sitting down.


Does he have the testosterone? Or in the end will be come across as a BULLY. Only attacking low-profile clergy.

Him taking Cardinal Burke’s privileges is NOT the same as FIRING or EXCOMMUNICATING a (Arch)bishop. This is THE TEST.

The Next Pope Could (Finally) Be An American Cardinal!

by Anura Guruge
on May 18, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE. The ‘White House East’ objection. Click here for the original post.

By NO MEANS a given. The probability is increasing.


Ironic. The influence of the U.S., the ‘Western White House‘, is diminishing. A U.S. pope will not be seeing as wielding as much power as they might have done even just a few years ago. A sad fact.

Plus, the U.S. is becoming the bastion of conservative Catholicism. And then there is also the money. U.S. interests by far (by far) pour more money into ‘grooming’ potential popes than any other bloc. Until now they couldn’t — & they didn’t — squander any of that on U.S. candidates. But, that is changing.

NO, the next pope certainly will NOT be Burke or Dolan. That is a given.

But, Sean Patrick stands a decent chance. The ONE major stumbling block is his BEARD! Yes, if not for his beard his chances would be better. And NO, he will NOT agree to shave.

So, think about it. Mull it over. Not a given. Just a shift in the fundamental dynamics.