Tag Archives: Broadcom

‘Chipotle’ (CMG) Hasn’t Done That Well After The 50-to-1 Stock Split. What Does That Bode For AVGO (‘Broadcom’)?

by Anura Guruge
on July 9, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. Base chart from ‘MarketWatch‘ (of course, of course).

NVIDIA‘ (NVDA), the AI darling, by comparison has done quite well — but NVDA has been gravity-defying for the last year. But, it did NOT go crazy after the split.

Click to ENLARGE. Base chart from ‘MarketWatch‘.

2024 YTD comparison of NVDA, AVGO, AMZN and CMG.

NVDA, of course, is the run-away start. AVGO has done OK, but pales in comparison. AMZN has done OK but nothing to get too excited about.

CMG has fared the worst, BUT this will change over time — especially if the earnings keep on impressing.

Click to ENLARGE. Base chart from ‘MarketWatch‘.

So, AVGO splits this weekend. Will be interesting to see how it does.

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‘Broadcom’ (AVGO) The One Stock That Warrants A Stock-Split In 2024 — But, Unlikely To Happen. SHAME!

by Anura Guruge
on January 3, 2024.

Click to ENLARGE. Base image from ‘marketwatch.com‘.

I see all sorts of ‘pumpers & dumpers’ talking CRAZY stuff about 2024 stock splits — such as AMZN, NVDA, GOOG. None of those are likely to split in 2024. They all had splits in the last 2-years & their prices haven’t gone up that much. [I do OWN all three, & have for many, many, many YEARS. SMILE.]

‘Broadcom’, on the other hand, hasn’t split since 2006! They used to split quite regularly. Three times between 1999 & 2006. But, then they were acquired by ‘AVGO’ — & it appears that AVGO management does NOT believe in stock splits. Nothing that says they have to split. So, AVGO could go onto become a $2,000 or $3,000. I am OK with that. Yes, I own AVGO. I would like to own more, but at $1,000 it is an EXPENSIVE stock.

Click to ENLARGE. Base image from ‘marketwatch.com‘.

I like semis. Always. I understand semis. I only invest in stocks I understand.

I first bought Broadcom nearly a decade ago. Had a GREAT ride with them. They pay very handsome dividends. Then I had to (alas) SELL because I had become too greedy with my option calls. I wasn’t that upset. I had had a lovely run.

I then went for about 2-years without owning any. They were, of course, a tad expensive.

But, I missed owning AVGO & I knew they will continue to do well.

So, last year I started buying AVGO again. SMILE.

I now have, in terms of semis, NVDA, AVGO, ARM & AMD. Smile. I am comfortable with that position.

It Was A Good Day To Own ‘Broadcom’ (AVGO) — Most Likely Stock To Split In 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on December 4, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Base image from ‘marketwatch.com‘.

I like semis. Always. I understand semis. I only invest in stocks I understand.

I first bought Broadcom nearly a decade ago. Had a GREAT ride with them. They pay very handsome dividends. Then I had to (alas) SELL because I had become too greedy with my option calls. I wasn’t that upset. I had had a lovely run.

I then went for about 2-years without owning any. They were, of course, a tad expensive.

But, I missed owning AVGO & I knew they will continue to do well.

So, last year I started buying AVGO again. SMILE.

As some of you know, I (& my kids) have owned NVDA for AGES. SMILE. We have done OK with NVDA.

I now have, in terms of semis, NVDA, AVGO, ARM & AMD. Smile. I am comfortable with that position.