Tag Archives: Boycott

‘Epson FastFoto FF-680W’, BRAND-NEW, $37 CHEAPER At ‘eBay’ Than ‘Amazon’.

by Anura Guruge
on June 9, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE.
Click to ENLARGE.

Everyone eventually has a breaking point.

I am, as of June 1, 2024, BOYCOTTING Amazon
as much as possible.

For as long as I can remember, & definitely for the last 15 years, I did nearly all my shopping, online, on Amazon.

I never compared prices or thought of looking somewhere else.

I was loyal to Amazon & until THIS YEAR, by & large, Amazon had been VERY GOOD to I. I had no complains. I gushed about Amazon.

All that changed that year.

Amazon has started to SUCK … & suck real bad.

Their Customer Service has become HOSTILE.

I am done with them.

I needed one of these fast scanners. I was, as usual, going to get it from Amazon — prior to the June 1 boycott.

After that I HAD to look around.

eBay came up. It was supposed to be NEW & offered FREE SHIPPING.

I got it a few days ago & tried it yesterday. It was NEW and worked perfectly.

I saved $36.55. I can buy something else. I am excited.


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In Solidarity With Ukraine, New Hampshire Joins Others In Spurning Russian Vodka.

by Anura Guruge
on February 26, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

Like Pope Francis’ personal visit to the Russian Embassy to the Holy See, this is purely & totally a symbolic gesture. But, it is better than none.

Russian vodka, cheaper than the ‘real’/good stuff from Sweden, is very popular in New Hampshire. But, Russia will not feel the pain of this boycott. We, i.e., New Hampshire, has already bought & paid for this stuff. So, it is the State that is initially taking the financial hit. Yes, it will mean that we will, in the months to come, order less. But, that is down the road.

Every little bit helps. So, I am glad.

We need to stand in solidarity with Ukraine.

‘Quinton de Kock’ Refusal To ‘Take The Knee’: I Am Shocked & Deeply Saddened.

by Anura Guruge
on October 26, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. Just a SAMPLING from ‘Google News‘.

As an ardent follower of the ‘South African’ cricket team I was aware of Quinton de Kock’s earlier refusals (during the ‘West Indies‘ tour) to ‘take the knee’. I was surprised & disappointed. But, if I am not mistaken, I recall reading that he claimed that he had cleared it with ‘Kagiso Rabada‘ — who was supposedly coordinating the team’s solidarity gesture to ‘BLM’. I was way cool with that. If it was OK with Rabada who was I to complain — Rabada being another cricketer I like & admire (though I wish he would learn how to bowl a vicious bouncer).

Now, things have gone too far.

I am as passionate as Quinton could ever be that we each have our values, beliefs, opinions, preferences & that we each have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to stick to them. No problem there.

I just wish Quinton would offer us all a hint of an explanation.

Is it religious? Does he only bow to God? IF so, I would like to know a bit about if this is indeed true. Is ‘Quinny’ really religious? If so, I am FINE. I respect him.

ONE of the reasons why I so like the South African team is that they appear to TRULY reflect (my hero) “Nelson Mandela’s” dream of a true ‘Rainbow Nation‘. When I watch them play, & I rarely miss a SA game (on TV), they all seem SO UNITED irrespective of color or religion. I loved that.

I can’t believe that Quinny is a racist. I have seen him embrace & be embraced by his non-white mates. But, is he? I also know, that he, per his own admission is not an intellectual. OK. But, can he be that bigoted. I hope not.

The above said, I also feel passionately, as a non-white, that the cricketing world must stand united for BLM. Cricket is played by players of ALL COLORS & religions. We need to stand united on this.

WE BOYCOTTED apartheid South Africa!

We will stand united about taking the knee.

The SA cricket board should have the right to demand it. If that is a problem for Quinny, & it breaks my heart to say this, then he should not be selected.

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