Tag Archives: Boss

What We Can Learn From The Quad-Vaccinated ‘Pfizer’ Boss Getting COVID TWICE Within A Month.

by Anura Guruge
on September 26, 2022

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’.

This story about the ‘Pfizer‘ CEO getting COVID twice in a month, which I read this morning, was particularly poignant since I had just got my 3rd COVID BOOSTER, which was indeed Pfizer, just yesterday.

But, I immediately caught on, even before I go to the point where he points it out, that he HAD NOT got the 3rd booster.

In his case QUAD means the initial two shots he got PLUS 2 boosters. So, I am more boosted than he is.

But, what else can we learn.

1/ He is getting diagnosed with COVID because he is being regularly tested. I am NOT. I got tested a fair amount in 2020 because I was getting cataract surgery. Outside of that I had not been tested NOR have I bothered to check myself.

So LESSON 1: IF you are regularly tested, the chances are that they will find that you have COVID.

2/ LESSON 2: The vaccine nor the boosters can stop you from getting COVID.

I trust that we all knew that.

3/ LESSON 3: The vaccine PLUS boosters can mitigate the COVID symptoms to the point that you don’t even know you have it — unless you are TESTED.

I think this lesson is key.

That should be a real takeaway. The vaccine & boosters can make it mild to the point you don’t even know you have it. That is GOOD.

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