Tag Archives: body to science

‘Srikanth’ (2024) On ‘Netflix’ — A Biopic About A Blind Indian Who Does Real Good & Fights For Rights For The Visually Impaired.

by Anura Guruge
on July 10, 2024

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Click to access the ‘IMDb.com‘ listing.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia.

It was surprisingly good. Well worth watching IF you like inspirational biopics. It sure is inspirational and gratifying. Yes, it is a tad syrupy in places and I am sure there was some poetic licenses taken. But, I am sure the overall story is mainly true.

I have a son, one year younger. He, luckily, is not visually-impaired. He too has big dreams and he has to an extent already done well. So, in a sense this story was close to home. Plus, as some of you know, given the issues I have had most of my life with my eyes, anything and everything to do with eyes is important to I.

I recommend this. If you are of a sentimental bent you will love it. SMILE.

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‘2 Hearts’ (2020) On ‘Netflix’ — A Syrupy Movie To Promote Organ Donation. [It Should Be MANDATORY!]

by Anura Guruge
on June 17, 2024

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Click to access the ‘IMDb.com‘ listing.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia.

As some of you know I am passionate about folks donating their ENTIRE BODY TO SCIENCE. I am. So, just donating body parts, as far as I am concerned, has to be a GIVEN. Folks should NOT have a choice! It should be mandatory. You don’t need those parts when you are dead.

This movie is an ATTEMPT to ENCOURAGE folks to become organ donors.

It does a credible job of it.

Too syrupy. Plus, it is genuinely based on TRUE LIFE BUT they don’t use the ‘Bacardi’ name. Instead, he is called ‘Mr. Bolivar’. That was confusing since I had never heard of a Bolivar rum & kept on thinking that it must be just I. Would have been 500% better IF they had used Bacardi. That would also explain his unlimited wealth.

Did Bacardi, because of his wealth, get preferential access to his new lings?

Not sure why it is called ‘2 Hearts’ when it appears that what was transplanted was a set of lungs.

Not the greatest of movies. Watchable. Cute … but syrupy.

Plus, not realistic as to the process of getting a driver’s license.


But, in the end it is about ORGAN DONATION & that is a very important issue.

Organ donation should be mandatory!

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