Tag Archives: bird seed

Poor LOST Baby Turkey Is Still There — Much To My Relief

by Anura Guruge
on July 29, 2023

Though I had to attend a ‘Laconia Rotary‘ meeting I made it a point to make a quick detour to see if it, i.e., the poor, lost, baby turkey, was still around. It was. I was happy & relieved.

It had NOT eaten any of the bird seed I had gone out & put last night. But, that is OK — as long as it is fine. I will continue to check on it daily.

Poor Baby Turkey That Has LOST Its Flock!

by Anura Guruge
on July 28, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

I first saw it 4 days ago. It is on ‘Prospect Mountain Road‘ — my main ambling drag. About 1/2-mile from home. I amble on that road most days.

When I first saw it, it was noticeably SMALLER, & was trying to hide from me in the grass & reeds. It did a fairly good job. I gave it a wide berth & made sure the dogs didn’t go anywhere close.

I have been keeping an eye on it since.

It is basically still in the same place — within a 100 yard radius.

To my delight, it has got bigger. So it must be finding some food.


I couldn’t see it. It could be that it is hiding/sleeping.

I hope it is OK.

Poor baby turkey. We have a LOT — a TON — on the road. Why it is on its own, apparently lost, is a mystery.

It distresses I. Poor little turkey.

I will keep you posted.