Tag Archives: bigots

Buddhist Monks, In Saffron Robes, Hurtling Over Police Barricades To Storm Presidential Palace In Sri Lanka!

by Anura Guruge
on June 9, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. Screen grab from ‘YouTube’ video below.

So much for nonviolence & pacifism by Buddhist monks!

No, I DO NOT buy this. I find it appalling & totally unacceptable. Talk about undignified. This is NOT becoming of any clergy.

I would also like to point out that the Buddhist clergy is 110% responsible for the election of these political leaders that they have now turned against.

NO. I have no axe to grind. I am NOT a Sri Lankan (by nationality) nor a Buddhist. [As many know, I am a very devout & proud ‘Reformed, Born-Again Heathen‘. That is my only religion. Yes, I was ADOPTED by a Buddhist family but I gave up on Buddhism when I was around 18.]

I will (as ever) be brutally honest. I do not have any time or respect for Sri Lankan Buddhist monks. Yes, there was a time I worshipped their feet & thought they were divine. But, that was when I was young, innocent, naïve & misled.

Sri Lankan Buddhist monks have become radical, bigoted, fascist POLITICAL ACTIVIST in saffron robes. They INCITE bigotry, hate & violence. They supported this Government because it was ULTRA-Buddhist. Now they have had enough & again they resort to violence.

Yes, I am watching the misery & drama unfold in Sri Lanka from a distance — unemotionally & detached. I questioned the election of this regime. I was told that it was ALL for the GOOD.

Well, enough said.

Let’s just end this by saying that I DO NOT agree with Buddhist monks, in robes, taking part in violent demonstrations — & hurtling over police barricades. IF you disagree with me, BULLY for YOU. No skin off my nose.