Tag Archives: Biden step down

ONLY Way ‘Kamala Harris’ Has A CHANCE Of WINNING IS IF ‘Doddering Biden’ STEPS DOWN –> Let Her Be President.

by Anura Guruge
on September 9, 2024

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The ‘Kamala‘ sugar-high is now all gone. Right now she does NOT LOOK — nor ACT — PRESIDENTIAL. She looks like a deer in the headlights. She is NOT comfortable SPEAKING off the cuff.

Right now SHE WILL LOSE to Trump. That is a GIVEN.

The ONLY CHANCE she has, & even that might not be enough, is for Bloody, doddering Biden to STEP DOWN (as President) & let Kamala be President. That MIGHT help. MIGHT. Still might not be enough.

But, I doubt whether bloody, doddering Biden will step down.

He is such an egomaniac. WORSE THAN TRUMP.

I have never despised a politician as much as I do Biden.

He is handling over the Presidency to Trump BECAUSE of HIS bloody ego.

But, he will pay for it. Trump will go after him & Hunter. Yes, Biden will Pardon Hunter. Well, he better pardon himself too because Trump will go after him with a vengeance — & he deserves it.

Well, I have said MY PIECE.