Tag Archives: bid

‘Arm’ IPO — I Submitted A Bid, To ‘Fidelity’, For An IPO Allocation. Chances I Will Get Any, -0.00%.

by Anura Guruge
on September 11, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. My ‘bid’ using Fidelity’s IPO ‘bidding’ process.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From ‘CNBC’ (link).

I had to TRY (at least). IF I didn’t then I have even less of a chance.

Yes, I know that it will be HUGELY oversubscribed. Not even sure whether ‘Fidelity‘ will even get a large enough allocation they can sell to customers RATHER than holding onto for their own investments, mutual funds & ETFs.

But, I was told I could BID. So, I did. Didn’t ask for many. The minimum lot size. That also might disqualify me. They like those that ask for LARGE allocations — in the tens of thousands.

PLUS, I am a NOBODY as far as Fidelity is concerned. Some POOR schmuck. Yes, the allocations go to their RICH CLIENTS & I am a billion miles (& dollars) away from that group.

But, I will live in hope. YES, I will, on the day of the IPO, CHECK to see if I got my allocation. SMILE.

Fidelity has ONLY ONCE given me an IPO allocation. That was during the GRIM Financial Crisis of 2008. They gave me 200 shares of ‘Visa‘ (V) at the IPO price. {I just looked it up. It was $44.} I made 5x on that. SMILE. Yes, buy & hold.

Given that I was in high-tech, I have had a couple of other IPO allocations — via ‘Friends & Family’. That was a longtime ago.

Well, I will keep you posted.

You can laugh at me. Yes, I live in HOPE.