Tag Archives: Benedict XIV

For Eternal Notoriety As An Antipope, I Am Claiming To Be The New Pope, ‘Benedict XVII’ — In Direct Opposition To ‘Francis’ (As A Successor Of ‘Benedict XIV’).

by Anura Guruge
on November 15, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Smile & PAX.

Antipopes have become my latest interest. So, I have been researching them, with my usual gusto, & creating Spreadsheets aplenty, over the last few weeks. As is my wont, I am already finding interesting anomalies, inconsistencies & misinterpretations.

A good, trusted & valued friend of mine, a devout Catholic & quite the expert on things Catholic, especially history, popes & papal insignia, came up with THIS definition as to what he thinks of as an antipope.

“My view:  In its most basic sense, an antipope is of course someone who claims the See of Peter as a rival to the sitting pope.

Like many things, once you get past that simple sentence, “
the devil is in the details“.  But IMHO the METHOD by which the rival claimant is created isn’t as important as the claim itself.  Whether it’s by legitimate Cardinalem voting or by a Roman mob, by the Holy Roman Emperor, or some other joe-schmoe who claims some sort of divine “inspiration” to select himself or another goofball, they are all, at least by my broad definition above, antipopes.”

The thing that caught my attention was the 3rd sentence: But IMHO the METHOD by which the rival claimant is created isn’t as important as the claim itself.


So, I am CLAIMING to be Pope because per him, whose knowledge of Catholic history is encyclopedic, the method isn’t that important.

This is GOOD. That is why I opted to take the name ‘Benedict XVII’ — not after the one that resigned, BUT after the (1st) ‘Benedict XIV‘. He wasn’t elected. One of his friends nominated him as pope. Then, per historians, POOF, he was pope & then an antipope. Simple as that. This pope never showed himself in public! He never did a post like this proclaiming to be pope. They called him the ‘Hidden Pope’. Well, I am the opposite. I am proclaiming myself to the WORLD via Social Media.

Benedict XVII

I know that the Papal Apartments at the Vatican are currently unoccupied. Kind of busy right now. But, maybe in the New Year I will go across & ask for the keys.

Francis shouldn’t have any objections. He isn’t much of a pope, now. You can’t be a real pope in a wheelchair. I will let him gracefully retire. I am magnanimous like that.

So, please acknowledge me as the new Pope, Benedict XVII.

But, whatever YOU DO, please, please, please DO NOT PRAY for ME. I don’t believe in prayer. Yea, I will be a new kind of pope. A pope who doesn’t pray or prey.