Tag Archives: Baxter Park Motel

I Designed A Very Sanitary, Self-Draining, Eco-Friendly Soap Dish.

by Anura Guruge
on May 20, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

I will admit that using rocks was NOT my idea. I stumbled upon that at a motel I recently stayed at, i.e., the ‘Baxter Park Inn’ in Millinocket, Maine during my trip to ‘Katahdin‘ last month.

They had soap dishes with stones in them. But, they had used SOLID plastic containers for the stones. So the water couldn’t drain. The water collected under & around the stones. That wasn’t good. Not hygienic. Plus, it would be a pain to clean in that you needed to empty the rocks out & then put them back.

It immediately struck me that why you needed was a metal mesh container — that would not rust. Easy enough to find. BINGO.

The water drains out. Yes, soap residue clings to the rocks but that is easy enough to rinse away. Just hold the whole container under the tap. Plus, soap residue on the rocks is NO different to what is left on the bar of soap!

The rocks were easy enough to get. I got them off the road we live on. It is a dirt road. Yes, in time I will get fancier rocks. But, for now I am happy.

I did NOT patent it. You are welcome to STEAL the idea. I am, as ever, generous to a fault.

Tanks In Maine’s Katahdin Country — Millinocket, Medway & Howland.

by Anura Guruge
on May 3, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

American Legion Post in Millinocket.
Medway Veterans Memorial Park.
American Legion Post in Howland.

I am an inveterate, daily ambler hellbent on making sure that I get in at least 500,000 steps each & every month (even in February). On my hiking trips I don’t restrict myself just to the parks & established trails. I stop & walk anything & everything that looks interesting, especially between 11:40am & 3:30pm which is when I have my breakfast & then lunch, on the move whilst taking in the scenery.

I stopped at Howland to explore the river & the falls (below) and ran into the tank.

The river & dam in Howland.

It again the river that beckoned me at Medway. Stopped at the Park nearby to check it out. I had seen the tank from the road. So, I had no choice but to stop.

The river at Medway.

In the case of the one in Millinocket it was basically across the road from the ‘Baxter Park Inn‘ I stayed at for 3-nights. It was also across from the Chinese that I got takeout two nights running. I would place my order & go out exploring while it was getting prepared. Hence the night shot.

Both the Millinocket (on left) & Medway tanks had detailed descriptions attached — below.

I do NOT recall seeing any tanks in my habitual visits to Maine. Yes, I could have missed them, especially if they are in urban areas. Just struck me as interesting that I saw three so close together. Maybe it is a Northern Maine thing. I will ask around. If you have additional data, please share. I am even willing to start COMPILING a list of ALL the tanks. Maybe, I will even go & visit them all & take pictures — which I will, of course, post. So, folks do covered bridges, I am happy to do the tanks of Maine.