Tag Archives: baseless

‘Eversource’ — 8-Hour Power Outage In Alton (New Hampshire), Sept. 5, 2022 — Frustrating & BASELESS.

by Anura Guruge
on September 6, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Two contradictory explanations.
1/ Tree limbs contacting power lines.
2/ Tree taking pole down.

Click to ENLARGE.

The above is also NOT the only ‘contradiction’ by them.

For the first 2-hours of the outage they insisted that power would be restored by 7:15pm. This would have lulled many into a false sense of security & expectancy. Some would have forgone the opportunity to get their generator hooked-up or make any other contingency plans thinking that all was going to be well before dark. THEY LIED!

At 7:20pm there was an automated call saying that power would not be restored till 1:30am the next day, i.e., Tuesday. Well, I have never trusted Eversource. So, I had, as you can see from top image, hooked up & running well before it got dark. Glad I had. We had them running till 11pm. Then I turned them off because they make a racket.

I really despair of Eversource. They are becoming increasingly sleazy, unreliable, greedy & untrustworthy. They are a monopoly & relish abusing that power.

There really was no grounds for an 8-hour outage yesterday, i.e., Monday, September 5, 2022. We didn’t really have any bad weather. Just some rain — mainly drizzle. I should know. I walked, outside, in the ‘rain’, for 8-miles. NOT heavy rain. ZERO WIND. Nothing. Not even a breeze.

Then the power goes off & stay off for 8 bloody hours!

Not right.

I really despair of Eversource. I wish I could switch to another provider. But, of course, I can’t. They have me by my throat.