Tag Archives: baeches

That Sri Lanka (Or For That Matter The Maldives Nor Thailand) Makes This ‘Best Beaches In The World’ List Seems Strange.

by Anura Guruge
on February 28, 2023

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Yes, yes, I appreciate that this is BUT a ‘Tripadvisor’ poll & their polls are not that representative. It also, of course, depends on the number of people writing reviews & taking part in the poll. With COVID the financial crisis tourism to Sri Lanka has dropped in the last few years & that also has to be a factor.

I haven’t been to Sri Lanka, the Maldives or Thailand of late, but I know that they have some world-class & duly celebrated beaches. Hence my skepticism on seeing this list.

I used to write a LOT of reviews for Tripadvisor BUT I stopped when I saw that they were reluctant to post bad reviews. That is not right. That is not cricket. So, their lists no doubt are skewed.

I am interested in seeing what you think. Yes, I am sure Brazilian beaches are a LOT of fun. So, I have no gripes with that. ICELAND? Do you have to wear a parka & gloves? Interesting.