Tag Archives: Atomic City

‘The Atomic City Girls’ By ‘Janet Beard’ — Very Decent, Well Told BUT Not Riveting Like ‘The Ballad’.

by Anura Guruge
on September 4, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. For Amazon listing.

Click to ENLARGE. For Amazon listing.

So, I got this book, i.e., ‘The Atomic City Girls‘, after ‘Janet Beard‘ had totally captivated me with her ‘The Ballad of Laurel Springs‘. Yes, I knew that there was always the danger that another by her might not live up to the first. That was the case, BUT they are BOTH very good books — just that, in my opinion, one is considerably more compelling than the other.

I listened to ‘The Atomic City Girls‘, on ‘Audible‘, whereas I had read the other one. In this case I really don’t think it made a difference, BUT it might have. I fully appreciate that the dynamics & experience of listening to a book is markedly different to that of reading one. In this instance I don’t think that this played a factor.

I am NO stranger to the ‘Manhattan Project‘. So, this wasn’t ALL new ground to I, though most of what I had read & knew was related to New Mexico.

85% of this story, alas, was patently predictable. A couple of instances when things didn’t make sense … “like one girl demanding another to leave the room they share” — per the official pairing/allocation. Not showstoppers BUT they did stop me in my tracks.

It wasn’t bad. I enjoyed it. I was just hoping for more. But, I have NOT given up on Janet Beard. I think she is quite the storyteller — & I am GLAD.

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‘The Ballad of Laurel Springs’ By ‘Janet Beard’ — Quite The Multi-Generational Story, V. Cleverly Told.

by Anura Guruge
on August 4, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. For Amazon listing.

This was a book that I actually read (in hardcover) rather than listening to it on ‘Audible‘. I am glad I read it because I might have found the generational- & relationship-threads HARD to FOLLOW if I couldn’t go back & check the printed words.

A book I must have picked up at a ‘swap’ library. It had been hanging around the house for a longtime. I THINK, in the end, I picked it up because there was a mention that it was ‘set’ in a National Park — & I kind of guessed that it must be ‘Great Smoky Mountains‘ (a Park on my bucket list).

Intriguing story, so cleverly said. WOW. Today’s writers, especially the female ones, are so clever, creative & talented. I really enjoyed it.

I strongly urge you to check it out. I JUST BOUGHT her ‘Atomic City‘ to listen on Audible.

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