Tag Archives: astronomy

That Bright Blob Next To The Moon Is Not A Star — It is Jupiter.

by Anura Guruge
on December 1, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

It is a very striking, impossible to miss, conjunction in the night sky over New England.

I knew it was a planet (& even though this was late at night, rather than early morning) I double checked to see whether it was Venus or Jupiter. I should have remembered. We get this Moon-Jupiter conjunction quite often in Winter. [Venus, per its colloquial name ‘morning star’, tends to be more visible in the morning as opposed to late nights.]

Well, enjoy it. It is quite the sight.

I Am Glad That ‘Dark Matter’ Is Being Rethought Of, It Never Sat Well With I.

by Anura Guruge
on July 12, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. ‘Wikipedia’ link.

Despite being postulated by one of my heroes in the world of astronomy, viz. ‘Jan Oort‘, of cometary ‘Oort Cloud‘ fame, I always had this feeling that ‘Dark Matter‘ was hokey. As with Dark Matter there is also no proof of the existence of the Oort Cloud. But, the Oort Cloud makes sense to me. Not so Dark Matter. Very true that I am NOT an astrophysicist, but I have a better than average grasp on astronomy.

So, I am real glad that Dark Matter is being seriously questioned & rethought. Good idea. About time. Our knowledge of astronomy grows by the day. So, let’s have another crack at this. Good stuff.