Tag Archives: asthma

Confused As To Why There Was So Much Blood In “Shane Warne’s (52)” Room IF He Died Of An Heart Attack.

by Anura Guruge
on March 6, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

I appreciate that most of those that ‘read’ this blog have no interest in cricket & have no idea, whatsoever, as to who ‘Shane‘ was — despite him being a towering legend in the cricketing world.

But, I have to, for my sake, document all that bothers me. Hence, this brief, ‘placeholder’, post.

I have NO experience or expertise when it comes to CPR. Yes, it is possible that all that vigorous ‘pounding’ on the chest can cause blood to seep from the mouth & nose. But, this seems like a lot. Just asking. I know I am not the only one asking.

So, this is just for the record to show that I am still on the ball when it comes to this case.

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Could Totally Unexpected Death Of ‘Shane Warne (52)’, Have Anything To Do With Him Contracting COVID?

by Anura Guruge
on March 5, 2022

Click to access original article from ‘Hindustan Times‘.

Yesterday’s post on this blog.

It does NOT make sense that a high-profile, sports-celebrity from a developed country keels over, suddenly, and dies from a heart attack in 2022. It is quite the indictment on modern medicine.

Was he ever considered or treated as being of high risk for a heart attack.

Was he taking any medication — & I ask this as one who was put on preventive medication for heart disease when I was 44. My then cardiologist said: ‘you will thank me when you are in your 60s‘. Yes, I do thank him, daily. So, was Shane on medication, e.g., Lipitor?

Yes, he was noticeably overweight, BUT not obese. He drank, did drugs & probably smoked. It also emerges he was asmatic. But, that alone should NOT have killed him IF he was getting proper medical care?

And that is THE QUESTION?

What was his cholesterol levels? Blood pressure? Blood sugar.

Then, I discovered he contracted COVID-19, & was on a ventilator, just 6-months ago. Hhhmmm.

There has been a lot of talk of COVID & heart failure.

I hope folks will be forthcoming as to what happened to Shane. It would be valuable to know.

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