Tag Archives: arrest

Not Sure What To Make Of This Story — Was It Really ‘Indecent Exposure’?

by Anura Guruge
on November 28, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Story in the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ (link).

This is a story RIGHT UP the U.K. “Daily Mail’s” Alley. So, not surprisingly they did MULTIPLE stories on — earlier this week.

From the start, I was a bit nonplussed. I wondered what she would be charged with. Then, though I haven’t read any of the stories in full, I gather it was to be ‘indecent exposure‘. I DID NOT watch the video. But, would she have really exposed that much to warrant that charge.

I first thought, that it would be that ever convenient catch-all ‘disturbing the peace‘ — though that would have been quite the stretch too.

Well, just wanted to bring this to your attention. Interesting. Something to think about.

Was ‘Franklin Pierce’ (#14) The 1st President To Be Arrested, Rather Than ‘Donald Trump’ (#45)?

by Anura Guruge
on April 5, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Link to original post at ‘reference.com‘.

Funny thing. I came across this reference to ‘Franklin Pierce‘ getting arrested for riding over an old woman in the ‘Audible‘ book I am currently listening to, viz. ‘Mad Honey‘. I had never heard of that. We all keep getting told that ‘Trump’ is the first. Yes, I had heard that my hero ‘Ulysses S. Grant‘ was ‘stopped’ (if not arrested) for reckless horse-riding. But, this allegation about New Hampshire’s own (& only) was new. I had to look it up.

Click to ENLARGE. A quick ‘Google’.

I quickly realized that this might NOT have been exactly as portrayed BUT that there was ‘something’ there — i.e., some fairly serious accident involving the President. Maybe he wasn’t arrested per se. But, I wanted to bring it to YOU attention since it is so topical.

Check it out.