Tag Archives: Apple CarPlay

Volvo’s New Google-Based ‘Infotainment’ System, Will Not Have ‘Android Auto’ Or ‘Apple CarPlay’ Support Till 1Q2022!

by Anura Guruge
on August 9, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Please check this latest update — based on hands on experience.

Click image to access this November 4, 2021 post.

Click to ENLARGE.

As with the lack of ‘Sirius XM’ radio support, this is NOT a joke. This is too serious a matter to kid about.

That a Google Android-based system cannot support ‘Android Auto’ sounds like an oxymoron. Alas, it is NOT. This is reality. IF you buying a new 2022 Volvo (as I am) check with Volvo or a Dealer. [I feel bad for the Dealers. This is outside their control & they are, obviously, not too amused. This might even cost some of them some sales.]

From what I gather, this delay, especially when it comes to Android Auto might be ‘contractual‘, i.e., Google not being able to offer support for Android Auto ahead of ‘Apple CarPlay’. Apple might have grounds to complain & the European Union (EU) is already giving Google plenty of grief about its monopolistic practices. So, Google has to be seen as playing fair.

Well, for I, with my 40-year background in the computer industry this is but deja vu (all over again). Modern cars have become computers on wheels, so reliant on software. We all know about software updates — whether it be computers, phones, smartwatches, set-top units or even TVs. Now the game has moved to cars.

With this new Google Android infotainment system Volvo can do ‘over-the-air’ (OTA) software updates.

As with Sirius XM, support for Android Auto & Apple CarPlay will be added via such an OTA update.

Purely by coincidence YouTube offered me this video as a recommendation today. I haven’t had chance to watch it all, but he appears to be far from happy about the new system. YIKES. I have already ordered my new 2022 Volvo XC60 — with a November 2021 delivery (with luck).

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