Tag Archives: Anu

’51’ Has Now Become My Favorite Number, Supplanting ’36’ (Or Was It ’42’) — (But It Was Never ’69’).

by Anura Guruge
on December 7, 2022

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Who would have thought I would get so fond of ’51’? It is not even divisible by ‘6’. Wow. Times are a changing. 51, 51, 51. Just love the sound of that ’51’. 51. 51. 51.

Other than ‘1’ & itself, ’51’ only has two divisors: 3 & 17. But, it is, nonetheless, a very significant number. 51. 51. 51.

‘6’ is my GO TO NUMBER. I like ‘6’. ‘6’ has character & two divisors, more than any other number that comes before it! Have you ever thought of that?

I, like the Babylonians (true to my name ‘Anu’ — the King of the Babylonian gods), favor numbers that have lots of divisors. So, ’36’ was a natural. Plus it is 6×6.

But, I also sometimes think I should adopt ’42’. Now IF you don’t know the significance of 42 I feel bad for YOU! I do. You obviously haven’t worked out the answer to ‘Life, the Universe & Everything‘. What can I say. Maybe you need to look it up.

Jokes apart, ’69’ never had any appeal. Had a friend who was nuts about ’69’. Even thought about naming his daughter 69. I pointed out how STUPID that would be given that it would be the ULTIMATE non sequitur.

But, now 51. 51. 51. What a lovely number. What a lovely feeling. 51. 51. 51.