Tag Archives: American Girl

I Am NOT A Fan Of ‘Full Production’ (i.e., Sound Annotated) Audio Books.

by Anura Guruge
on January 23, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. From Amazon ‘Audible’.

‘Full Production’ means that they add sound effects to the narration. So, rather than just reading the book they try to make it into an audio ‘play’. So, in the case of this book, they add truck noises, doors closing, people sighing, etc. to the narration. So, they make it more into a soundtrack. I DO NOT LIKE IT. To I, it adds no value. Just a distraction.

With an audio book I want to listen to the book being read.

Let the AUTHOR paint the picture and scene. I don’t think you need to augment the author’s words with any added sound effects. Kind of an INSULT to the good author.

This book, by Wendy Walker, is very, very well written. I am really enjoying her WORDS, style & panache. We don’t need to have truck noises. A distraction.

Luckily, this so called ‘Full Production’ is LIMITED to certain chapters. So, far I have only encountered two.

Appears that ‘Audible’ that created this audio version thinks it has to ADD value. No, you don’t. A good author stands ALONE.

I have no problem with multiple narrators. Yes, that is good & fun. No problem. I also have no issues with introductory music and some music as interludes. What I do NOT want is artificial sound effects.


One of the books I really enjoyed on Audible was ‘Midnight Son’ by James Dommek Jr. It had sound effects, BUT it was NOT ‘full production’. Maybe we can draw the line at that.

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