Tag Archives: ambling

I Had A Hawk Encounter This Morning While Ambling.

by Anura Guruge
on October 27, 2022

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We have a lot of hawks around here. They are not by any means a novelty. I see them often, from my office window, IF I happen to look out {which alas is NOT often, since I am famous for my head-down focus & concentration}.

This hawk flew in front of me, at face level, about 30′ from me. It was neat. It had been pecking at something on the side of the road — i.e., the dirt road I do most of my daily ambling. When it heard/saw us coming (i.e., I & the dogs) it took off & flew in front of us. It was only at face level because it was trying to gain elevation. It flew to a tree on the other side of the road & waited.

I stopped, got the dogs under control & fished for my phone. The hawk did not move. It was cooperating. I was grateful. Alas, the sun was behind it so the light was tricky. It is in situations like this that I miss NOT using a real camera. But, I did manage to get at least one decent shot using the rudimentary exposure controls at my disposal. Just after I took the 3rd shot, it got bored & flew away.

I looked to see what kind of hawk it was. It is a ‘Red Shouldered Hawk’. Most of the hawks I see around have that tawny coloring.

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