Tag Archives: ambling

‘Merrell’ vs. ‘Keen’ Hiking Boots.

by Anura Guruge
on June 7, 2024

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Until about 3.5 years ago I was not fussy — at all, at all — as to my footwear when it came to my ambling. I would just wear anything that I could get my hands on — & as I, in those days, went to ‘Walmart’ on a regular basis, I would just get ‘cheap’ trainers off a rack. I was fine.

Then, about a year after my amazing knee surgery I discovered to my horror that I had ‘Plantar fasciitis‘. Well, it transpires that this COMMON after knee surgery since the surgery ALTERS the geometry of your leg. I was still lucky. I could still walk & do all my ambling — albeit in more pain than I would have liked.

As ever I did a TON of Web research. I found all these braces, splints and balls to help.

But, the biggest thing I kept on reading was that I need GOOD hiking boots with a good insole & arch support.

I went with Keen. I have had (I think) 3 pairs of Keens. No problems. Good luck with them. I like them.

Recently I discovered I should get another paid because one pair of Keen’s was worn down.

Did some research. Folks were recommending Merrell.

SO, I am trying a pair. So far, so good. Slightly heavier than my Keens. But, nice. Feel like walking on air.

5-Year Anniversary Of Busting My Knee & Needing Surgery — THE BEST THING That Happened To Me In 17-Years! You Should Bust Your Knee Too.

by Anura Guruge
on February 28, 2024

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5-years ago TODAY. Coming home from ER after over a 6-hour stay.

Click to ENLARGE.

I am so, so, so GLAD that I slipped, shoveling snow, on February 28, 2019 & SNAPPED my Quad-tendon. I did NOT know I had a quad-tendon.

Today the temps were in the 50s Fahrenheit. 5-years ago we had had a MAJOR snow storm. Ditto last year. This weather, CLIMATE CHANGE, is crazy & scary. I know we will get WALLOPED before this winter is over. Of that I have no doubt.

I postponed surgery for a week, because we had a mini-vacation booked in the Cape, & had it done on March 8, 2019.

CHANGED MY LIFE — for the better.

I am so glad I busted my knee. I am a new, better man because of it.
I am 30 pounds lighter than I was 5 years ago!

It was a wake up call. I was, prior to it, exercising daily & watching my diet. But, I had become lazy & complacent.

My pre-surgery blood work said my blood glucose was 102. I started crying. I was so distraught. All the nurses are saying it is FINE. It is FINE. You don’t have to worry till it gets close to 125. Heck with that.

From the very day of the surgery I changed my life.

I went on a much, much, much stricter diet. I lost 20 pounds. I STILL NEED TO LOSE ANOTHER 25. But, losing 20 was a START.

And I started AMBLING, each & every day, even while I was on crutches. They had me on crutches for 6 weeks. The day I was allowed to ditch them I started ambling in anger.

The rest as some of you know is history.

In the 1st year after surgery I walked 2,250 miles.

I now walk at least 3,000 miles a year. SMILE.

I have walked at least 10,000 steps, EACH & EVERY DAY, since April 17, 2020.

That is an unbroken 1,412 day STREAK.
3 years 10 months.

So, each February 28, in particular, I thank my lucky stars that I busted my knee.

Bright Star, In The South, Over New Hampshire Is ‘Sirius’. ‘Jupiter’ Is By The Moon.

by Anura Guruge
on December 22, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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Not counting the Moon, these two, viz., ‘Sirius‘ & ‘Jupiter‘, are the BRIGHTEST objects in the New Hampshire night skies as we head towards Christmas.

I just wanted to make sure you knew which is which.

Sirius is the BRIGHTEST star in our NIGHT sky. The Sun, obviously, is the brightest star that we get to see.

Sirius is always magical. Worth looking at. It always dominates our Winter sky. I know, because I go out ambling, for a mile, each & every night. Enjoy.

Sculpture Walk In Marvelous ‘Meredith’, New Hampshire, — A Small Sample From Sept. 28, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on October 2, 2023

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Click image to access the Website.

Given my innate, deep ingrained love for art, I can never get enough of “Meredith’s” awesome Sculpture Walk. Whenever I am in Meredith, which alas is not that often anymore, I try to make point of walking at least a part of the WALK. Last Thursday I got to walk a fair chunk of it. I didn’t get good photos of all. So, the above, alas, will have to suffice.

I have done a previous post of the WALK with other pictures. Please check that out.

Now there is also the breathtaking MURAL. I did a post on that too.

Plus, my childhood hero ‘Archie‘. SMILE.

Getting 500,000 Steps In During What Was A Very Rainy June Was A Challenge — But I Scraped Through.

by Anura Guruge
on July 1, 2023

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We got a lot of rain. Towards the end we had like 9-days of rain on the trot. It was relentless. I much prefer ambling in the snow rather than rain. Rain just gets me down.

Plus, for a rare change I did NOT have any multi-day trips to Maine — just a quick trip to ‘Kittery’, Maine on Father’s Day. So, getting in all the steps to make sure that my now multiyear streak of always exceeding 500,000 steps/month was not broken was a bit hard. But I kept at it. I knew what I had to do each day. SMILE. It is NOT easy being I. Smile.

Flowers That Brightened My Day Today — June 23, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on June 23, 2023

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Some (around 50%) from our yard. Others not. I saw & enjoyed more BUT I didn’t take photos of them all. Wanted to keep some for tomorrow. I plan ahead. Enjoy. No thanks expected.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Flowers Of ‘Laconia’, New Hampshire — June 22, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on June 22, 2023

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Laconia‘ continues to bloom & it will be so till way into October. Always a delight to amble about Laconia in the Summer. Enjoy.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Gratifying To See My 1st ‘Bold Coast’ Book Favorably Mentioned In The ‘Facebook’ ‘Maine Hiking’ Group.

by Anura Guruge
on June 5, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE. ‘Private Group’ so you can’t see post unless you are a member.
Click to ENLARGE. The Comments that followed.

It was unexpected. I do belong to that Facebook group. I check them out a few times a day to see what is happening in Maine. Saw this, to my DELIGHT, last night. Made my day. SMILE. After all these years & all those books, I still get a kick to see that people like one of my books. Makes it all worthwhile.

Yes, I am NOW planning to write another AMBLING GUIDE though this one will NOT be for the ‘Bold Coast‘. North of it. SMILE. Must get another book published & that is going to take another 4 months. SMILE.

A Few More Flowers From Today — May 19, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on May 19, 2023

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All from this morning’s amble. So many flowers & it is, in the scheme of things, still early. I can smell these flowers as I compose this. Enjoy.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Flowers Of ‘Laconia’, New Hampshire — May 11, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on May 11, 2023

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Laconia‘ was blooming & resplendent. Wow. Quite the display, everywhere you looked, everywhere you turned. The City has done us all proud — & this is still quite early in the season. Bravo.

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