Tag Archives: Afghan cricket

I THINK Afghanistan THREW The Semi-Final To Avoid The Risk Of Facing India In The Final!

by Anura Guruge
on June 27, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. Base image from ‘Google News‘.

Yes, this is (atypically) NOT an original thought on my part. It has already been aired a few days ago.

I watched a fair chunk of the Afg vs SA semi-final live last night on ‘Willow TV‘. I was kind of shocked. Afghanistan, when batting, looked lacklustre. Half-hearted. All out for 56!

I am DELIGHTED for ‘South Africa‘. No secret that I am HUGE fan of the South African cricket team. To I they come across as a very united, committed team that genuinely play for their country, each other & their fans. You don’t see that with the West Indies. They do NOT have a country to unite them — or play for!

I also worry about the Afghan team. That they CHEATED, blatantly, in the previous match, against Bangladesh, upsets me greatly. I don’t like MY cricket being besmirched. So, there is also the Instant Karma aspect. They deserved to lose.

But, in the end I can’t stop thinking that MANY of the Afghan players were fretting about their LUCRATIVE IPL contracts. They didn’t want to risk facing India. IF they threw that match — THE FINAL — it would have looked bad. This was an easier option.

I could be wrong. Just what crossed my mind — BUT then again, I am not alone. SMILE.

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I Am Concerned As To What Will Happen To Afghan Cricket & Their Cricketers When The ‘Taliban’ Takes Control.

by Anura Guruge
on August 14, 2021

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Click to ENLARGE.

Yes, I fully understand that in the overall scheme of things ‘Afghan cricket‘ is far from significant. But, somebody has to make sure, especially when it comes to the U.S., that it isn’t overlooked.

The irony is that Afghan cricket made GIGANTIC strides over the last 20-years when there was some peace & stability in the country.

They even became one of the TWELVE (& only twelve) Test playing nations. Just twelve nations in the whole world & Afghanistan is one of them. This select group consist of:

Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia link.

Look at that list. Not bad company to keep & they were only granted entry just 3-years ago.

They have an International series against Pakistan starting in September & another against Australia in November.

I am not sure whether the September series will happen.

Three of their BIGGEST stars are currently in England playing County Cricket. They have all, judiciously or otherwise, spoken up against the Taliban. I doubt whether they can go back to Afghanistan. The Taliban, most likely, will behead them. Maybe they did what they did, so that they can — EASILY — seek asylum. I wish them the best. They are nice blokes.

Afghan cricket has been mentioned in the U.S. Senate! I kid you not. I think it was Rand Paul. He objected to U.S. aid being used to promote Afghan cricket.

My goal here is just to make sure that we do NOT forget Afghan cricket or the cricketers. Yes, there are much bigger issues at stake. I appreciate that. But, we should not forget the plight of Afghan cricket.

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