Tag Archives: address congress

‘Netanyahu’ Is NO ‘Winston Churchill’! Not By A Long Chalk, Not In A Million Years. Israel’s Claim Is Ludicrous.

by Anura Guruge
on July 24, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE.

Jesus (who was a Jew) wept.

This morning, a spokesman for the Israeli government, made this comparison on the ‘BBC‘ — i.e., that Netanyahu is Churchillian! That they both addressed the U.S. Congress does NOT make Netanyahu Churchillian. I found that comparison insulting.

For a start, I don’t think there were any protestors or riots when dear Winston visited the U.S. — or any other country for that matter. Irrespective of his politics, people liked him as a person — for his principals and moral fortitude. That alone is the unassailable difference.

Winston (of course) had many fobiles. But, nobody but nobody has ever accused him of being a criminal. Certainly never a war criminal. WINSTON WAS A HERO.

I am also not aware of Netanyahu winning any major war, let alone a Word War — though I am sure he can get us into one.

Please, don’t insult an incomparable, bona fide hero. The world needs heroes like Winston.