Tag Archives: 9600HX

My Review Of The ‘Beelink SER6 Max’ Mini PC Complaining About The Poor Management Visibility Of The ‘AMD Ryzen 9’ 9600HX Processor Published On Amazon.

by Anura Guruge
on December 26, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. IF you want to see it on ‘Amazon‘.

Click image to access my post from 5 days ago.

I felt very strongly about this, i.e., the very limited visibility into Ryzen processors. I am amazed that people don’t talk about it. It is important, especially being able to monitor CPU processor temps.

I wasn’t sure whether Amazon would publish my review given that I have BAD THINGS to say — & even use the word ‘garbage’. But, it did get approved, though it took 3 days.

I am glad. Others need to know this. I don’t want them to find out, like I did, the hard way.

Beelink SER6 MAX‘ I got from Amazon,
with a Ryzen 9 9600HX.

The Beelink SER6 MAX worked, appeared to work VERY NICELY
— and I was getting quite attached to it.

This was my first venture with AMD (– & I happen to be an AMD shareholder).

It appears that (most) AMD processors ONLY HAVE ONE temp. sensor — for the entire processor, as opposed to a sensor per CORE.

With the Ryzen 9 you just see ONE CORE. Yikes. I couldn’t deal with that.

Plus, it appears that a lot of software, including AMD’s OWN ‘Ryzen Master’ doesn’t support the 6900HX because it is NEW and, moreover, a MOBILE processor.

I couldn’t live with that.

I RETURNED the Beelink.


Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

AMD Ryzen 9 9600HX Processor — VERY LIMITED Monitoring, E.G., TEMP, Capability.

by Anura Guruge
on December 21, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From AMD, directly.

I got a ‘Beelink SER6 MAX‘ from Amazon
with a Ryzen 9 9600HX.

The Beelink SER6 MAX worked, appeared to work VERY NICELY
— and I was getting quite attached to it.

This was my first venture with AMD (– & I happen to be an AMD shareholder).

Until now I have always had PCs powered by Intel.

I did NOT expect that AMD processors would be that much different to Intel ones when it came to INTERNAL MONITORING.

Boy, was I wrong.

For a start, it appears that (most) AMD processors ONLY HAVE ONE temp. sensor — for the entire processor, as opposed to a sensor per CORE. I am used to running ‘CORE TEMP’ & seeing the temp of each core.

With the Ryzen 9 you just see ONE CORE. Yikes. I couldn’t deal with that.

Plus, it appears that a lot of software, including AMD’s OWN ‘Ryzen Master’ doesn’t support the 6900HX because it is NEW and, moreover, a MOBILE processor.

I couldn’t live with that.

I RETURNED the Beelink.


Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com