Tag Archives: 256 GB

I Got Myself A 15.6″ ‘Dell Inspiron 3511’ Laptop, With A 256 GB SSD, For $390 (New) From ‘Best Buy’, For Doing Presentations.

by Anura Guruge
on January 14, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

I have never been able to do any real work on a laptop. The screen, even at 15″+ is not big enough & I need a proper, sturdy (old-fashioned & heavy) keyboard (so much so that I am reduced to buying them from eBay because new keyboards just don’t work for I). You can see my main desktop setup below. I have two more desktop setups as backups. So, yes this new laptop is my 4th PC in addition to a number of Android tablets. Well, computers are my stock-in-trade.

I need a laptop for doing presentations. I haven’t done any presentations in the last couple of years & as such did not need one.

When I hear that someone is in need of a PC I invariably end up giving them one of my laptops. I have given way three in the last few years. So, I didn’t have a one & the rest of the family are now on Chromebooks. I like to have ‘PowerPoint‘ installed when doing presentations.

Hence, this Dell Inspiron. As you know I typically try to buy all my stuff from ‘Amazon’ (being a longtime Amazon shareholder). So, I was looking in Amazon. Wanted to check reviews on the Inspiron. Googled and this came up at Best Buy. I could immediately tell it was a DEAL. It was steeply discounted. One of those INSTANT SALES. Plus, they were offering 0% APR 6-month financing. $65 a month. I spend more than that on wine. So, it was a no-brainer.

Came with ‘Windows 11′. My 1st exposure to ’11’. I am impressed. Getting it up & going was a BREEZE. Maybe even easier than that. I could NOT believe it. Wow. As soon as I logged onto my Microsoft account & said to sync. with my main desktop –> BINGO. The updates were quick too. I had allocated 90-minutes to get the laptop up & running. I was done in like 15-minutes. I am HAPPY.

My desktop setup with two 27″ monitors.