Tag Archives: 1000 followers

This Blog, i.e., ‘guruge.com/blog’, Now Has 1,000 Followers.

by Anura Guruge
on June 2, 2024

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Got the above notification from ‘WordPress‘ earlier today.

I am chuffed.

I fully appreciate that it is not even peanuts. Folks have MILLIONS of followers. Well, obviously, that is NOT I. I now have 1,000 & I am HAPPY & HUMBLED. Thank YOU.

This blog, a whole NEW blog for I, came to be on June 13, 2021. So, just under 3 years ago. This blog, as some of you may have noticed, makes ZERO ATTEMPTS at monetization. No Ads, no promotions. I also refuse to stick to one topic or theme in the hope of attracting a following. This blog is mainly for me to have FUN, be able to say what I want. SMILE. Oh, yes, also to remind you all, regularly, to SMILE.

Given all the setbacks I have endured in my life, I am happy with small wins in life. Always better than a kick in the teeth. That is how I view these things.


Thanks. I appreciate YOUR support.