‘Srikanth’ (2024) On ‘Netflix’ — A Biopic About A Blind Indian Who Does Real Good & Fights For Rights For The Visually Impaired.

by Anura Guruge
on July 10, 2024

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It was surprisingly good. Well worth watching IF you like inspirational biopics. It sure is inspirational and gratifying. Yes, it is a tad syrupy in places and I am sure there was some poetic licenses taken. But, I am sure the overall story is mainly true.

I have a son, one year younger. He, luckily, is not visually-impaired. He too has big dreams and he has to an extent already done well. So, in a sense this story was close to home. Plus, as some of you know, given the issues I have had most of my life with my eyes, anything and everything to do with eyes is important to I.

I recommend this. If you are of a sentimental bent you will love it. SMILE.

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