Sri Lankan Elephant RESCUED (By Navy) 10-Miles Out At Sea {Albeit 7-Years Ago}.

by Anura Guruge
on September 8, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘Google News‘.

A very poorly made video about this came up in my ‘YouTube‘ feed last night. I had not heard of this. I thought it was recent. This morning I looked it up on Google. Stories like those shown above turned up. I DID NOT CHECK THE DATES! So, OLD news — sorry. But, still quite the story.

I kind of knew that elephants were good and strong swimmers. There is speculation that this might not have been a total accident — i.e., the elephant MIGHT have gone swimming on its own. There is also comments that elephants are know to go out as much as 9 miles. WOW.

Well, I had to SHARE. But, I am SORRY it is old news. I will try to do better — but I am old too.

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