Sri Lanka Issuing A Stamp Honoring India’s ‘Nehru’ As Part Of Lanka’s Independence Day Celebrations Is Sheer, Shameless Political Pandering.

by Anura Guruge
on February 7, 2023

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I am fortunate enough to have met & spoken to the charismatic ‘Jawaharlal Nehru‘. He, as Prime Minister of India came to our house for dinner during his official visit to Ceylon in 1962. {Smile. What can I say? My father was in charge of that visit & I guess he wanted something other than a very fancy, state dinner for at least one night.} I still remember meeting him. I would have been 9. He towered over me, all dressed in his trademark white. He GLOWED. He was so tall. So erect. Wow. What a man.

I have nothing, whatsoever, against Nehru. He was a GOOD MAN. One of my third-tier heroes. Under any other circumstances I would have applauded Sri Lanka honoring him with a flag.

But, this is so, so shameless. Political pandering, bordering on political prostitution.

Yes, Sri Lanka is so, so desperate for India to bail it out of its dire financial crisis. But, this is so obvious & pathetic. It will also annoy the Chinese. The Indians must be falling over themselves laughing at the weak, groveling Sri Lanka. Not good. Very sad. We were once a proud nation.

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