Spectacular UK COVID Memorial, the ‘Bedworth Sanctuary’, To Be Burned Down Within The Week!

by Anura Guruge
on May 22, 2022

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Here is the link to the BBC original.

YouTube videos.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Here is the link to the U.K. ‘The Guardian’ original.

It is beautiful. So intricate. All wood. Spectacular.

I had NOT heard of it until this morning. Had you? I kind of feel bummed. As far as I can see, the U.K. ‘Daily Mail‘ that I rely on for 90% of my daily news did NOT feature this! I did a quick search just now. Couldn’t find it. There BAD!

I happened to see it, this morning, on ‘Sky News‘. I had a few minutes to spare & idly flicked on Sky News and browsed what they had. THEY HAD A STORY about this. 2nd video above. I was blown away.

You really should check it out. Quite amazing.

They plan to burn it next weekend! WOW. Well at least now we got a chance to see it.

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