Some Real, Satisfying, British-Type Porridge With “McCann’s Irish Steel Cut”.

by Anura Guruge
on September 3, 2023

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Click to image to ENLARGE.

I love authentic, thick, ‘stick-to-your gutsBritish-style porridge. I ate a LOT of it in my 17-years in Britain. I miss it.

YES, I try to avoid carbs (other than what is in the essential, living-saving RED WINE). As with red wine I am willing to make an exception when it comes to oatmeal/porridge. Oatmeal/porridge helps my DELICATE digestion. I can feel it soothe my inside. But, per my legendary self-discipline I limit myself — maybe to TWICE a month!

I found this can in ‘Eastport‘ during my last trip there. I bought it to try it out. I tried the ‘Short Cut to Steel Cut Method’. Not quick BUT it was worth the effort. Very satisfying. Loved it. I recommend it highly.

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